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P3310C switchport protected WTF?

ob-7102_config_epon0/2#switchport protected 1
ob-7102_config_epon0/2#show run int epon0/2
Building configuration...

Current configuration:
interface EPON0/2
epon pre-config-template DEFAULT binded-onu-llid 1-64
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f7d8.b748 1
switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2-6,8-4094
switchport mode trunk
no switchport protected

ob-7102_config_epon0/2#switchport protected
Incomplete command


Что я делаю не так?

Edited by ShyLion

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switchport protected 1


так надо


группу указать от 1го до 16


и show run


а в конце write all


тогда увидите по show config

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switchport protected 1


так надо


группу указать от 1го до 16


и show run


а в конце write all


тогда увидите по show config


ob-7102_config#int epon0/1
ob-7102_config_epon0/1#switchport pr
protected  protocol-vlan
ob-7102_config_epon0/1#switchport protected 1
Saving current configuration...
ob-7102#show run
Building configuration...

interface EPON0/1
epon pre-config-template Vlan2004u000007 binded-onu-llid 7
epon pre-config-template DEFAULT binded-onu-llid 1-6,8-64
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f718.efed 1
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.8896 2
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.89fd 3
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f7d8.de54 4
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.6717 5
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f718.f296 6
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.052c 7
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.9ad5 8
switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2-6,8-4094
switchport mode trunk
no switchport protected

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BDCOM P3310C Software, Version 10.1.0E Build 36957


interface EPON0/1

epon pre-config-template DEFAULT binded-onu-llid 1-64

epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f716.6a78 1

switchport mode trunk

no switchport protected

epon fec-rx

epon fec-tx



Switch_config#int epoN 0/1

Switch_config_epon0/1#switchport pro

protected protocol-vlan

Switch_config_epon0/1#switchport protected 1

Switch_config_epon0/1#show run int epon 0/1

Building configuration...


Current configuration:


interface EPON0/1

epon pre-config-template DEFAULT binded-onu-llid 1-64

epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f716.6a78 1

switchport mode trunk

switchport protected 1

epon fec-rx

epon fec-tx



Всё назначается без проблем, может быть Вам прошивку обновить на голове?

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BDCOM™ P3310C Software, Version 10.1.0E Build 36957


ob-7102#show ver
BDCOM(tm) P3310C Software, Version 10.1.0E Build 36957
Copyright by Shanghai Baud Data Communication CO. LTD.
Compiled: 2016-8-8 12:39:28 by SYS, Image text-base: 0x80008000
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 0.3.9, Serial num:00316000775
System image file is "switch.bin"
hardware version:V1.0
(RISC) processor with 131072K bytes of memory, 16384K bytes of flash
Base ethernet MAC Address: 84:79:73:5b:04:de
snmp info:
 product_ID:294   system_ID:


ob-7102_config#int epon0/1
ob-7102_config_epon0/1#switchport pr
protected  protocol-vlan
ob-7102_config_epon0/1#switchport protected 1
ob-7102#show run int epon0/1
Building configuration...

Current configuration:
interface EPON0/1
epon pre-config-template Vlan2004u000007 binded-onu-llid 7
epon pre-config-template DEFAULT binded-onu-llid 1-6,8-64
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f718.efed 1
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.8896 2
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.89fd 3
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f7d8.de54 4
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.6717 5
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f718.f296 6
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.052c 7
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.9ad5 8
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f7d8.dab1 9
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f718.f27c 10
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f7d8.e39e 11
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f718.ece3 12
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f718.f2d5 13
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f718.f36c 14
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f718.f280 15
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.0cc7 16
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.9542 17
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f7d8.e42f 18
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.095e 19
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f718.f966 20
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f7d8.de4c 21
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f7d8.d99f 22
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f7d8.deec 23
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f7d8.c481 24
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.8c91 25
switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2-6,8-4094
switchport mode trunk
no switchport protected


Предложите перезагрузить? :)

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Предложите перезагрузить? :)

Добрый день. Мы пробовали воспроизвести вашу ситуацию и нам это не удалось.


Switch#sh version

BDCOM P3310C Software, Version 10.1.0E Build 36957

Copyright by Shanghai Baud Data Communication CO. LTD.

Compiled: 2016-8-8 12:39:28 by SYS, Image text-base: 0x80008000

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 0.3.9, Serial num:00316000441

System image file is "switch.bin"

hardware version:V1.0

(RISC) processor with 131072K bytes of memory, 16384K bytes of flash

Base ethernet MAC Address: fc:fa:f7:4e:b1:98

snmp info:

product_ID:294 system_ID:

Switch uptime is 12:21:50:46, The current time: 2016-9-22 12:10:32


Switch#sh run int e0/1

Building configuration...


Current configuration:


interface EPON0/1

epon pre-config-template IPTV binded-onu-llid 1-64

epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f716.6a78 1

switchport mode trunk

no switchport protected

epon fec-rx

epon fec-tx



Switch_config#int e0/1

Switch_config_epon0/1#sw protected ?

<1-16> -- port protected group id

Switch_config_epon0/1#sw protected 1


Switch#sh run int e0/1

Building configuration...


Current configuration:


interface EPON0/1

epon pre-config-template IPTV binded-onu-llid 1-64

epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f716.6a78 1

switchport mode trunk

switchport protected 1

epon fec-rx

epon fec-tx


Можете включить лог и посмотреть на что OLT ругается при выполнении команды switchport protected 1?

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хорошая идея


ob-7102#term mon
ob-7102_config#int epon0/1
ob-7102_config_epon0/1#switchport protected 1
ob-7102_config_epon0/1#Sep 22 13:56:31 %port protected group 1 not exist!

Unknown command
ob-7102_config#protocol-vlan ?
 <1-16>   -- The index of the protocol template
ob-7102_config#port-protected ?
 <1-16>                        -- port protected group id
ob-7102_config#port-protected 1 ?
ob-7102_config#port-protected 1
 connect                       -- Open a outgoing connection
 default                       -- Restore default configuration
 description                   -- Config port protected description
 disconnect                    -- Disconect an existing outgoing network
 dos                           -- Config dos attack function
 dot1q-tunnel                  -- Enable dot1q tunnel globally
 epon                          -- Ethernet Passive Optical System
 error-disable-recovery        -- A period in seconds after which the port will
                                  recovery from error-disable state
 exit                          -- Exit / quit
 fan                           -- Config fans
 help                          -- Description of the interactive help system
 history                       -- Look up history
 mac-vlan                      -- Config the entry of MAC-based VLAN
 no                            -- Negate configuration
 power                         -- Config powers
 privilege                     -- Set privilege for command
 protocol-vlan                 -- Config the template of protocol-based VLAN
 quit                          -- Exit / quit
 rcommand                      -- Run command on remote hs
 rcommand                      -- Run command on remote switch
 resume                        -- Resume an active outgoing network connection
 short-ifdescr                 -- Use brief name as ifDescr
 show                          -- Show configuration and status
 ssh                           -- Open a ssh connection
 telnet                        -- Open a telnet connection
 temperature                   -- Config up limit of temperature
 vlan                          -- Vlan commands
 where                         -- Display all outgoing telnet connection
ob-7102-config-p1#int epon0/1
int epon0/1
Unknown command
ob-7102_config#int epon0/1
ob-7102_config_epon0/1#switchport protected 1
ob-7102#Sep 22 13:57:30 SYS-6-CONFIG: Configured from vty 0 by lion(

ob-7102#show run int epon0/1
Building configuration...

Current configuration:
interface EPON0/1
epon pre-config-template Vlan2004u000007 binded-onu-llid 7
epon pre-config-template DEFAULT binded-onu-llid 1-6,8-64
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f718.efed 1
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.8896 2
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.89fd 3
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f7d8.de54 4
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.6717 5
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f718.f296 6
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.052c 7
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.9ad5 8
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f7d8.dab1 9
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f718.f27c 10
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f7d8.e39e 11
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f718.ece3 12
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f718.f2d5 13
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f718.f36c 14
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f718.f280 15
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.0cc7 16
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.9542 17
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f7d8.e42f 18
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.095e 19
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f718.f966 20
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f7d8.de4c 21
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f7d8.d99f 22
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f7d8.deec 23
epon bind-onu mac fcfa.f7d8.c481 24
epon bind-onu mac 8479.7323.8c91 25
switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2-6,8-4094
switchport mode trunk
switchport protected 1


Что-то в этой группе настраивается?

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хорошая идея


Что-то в этой группе настраивается?

Добрый день.

Особых настроек у группы нет.

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write all - не пробовали после команд еще?

а потом sh run

Зачем? Оно в лог ругалось, как оказалось. Хотя в таких случаях должно в текущем сеансе ругаться.

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