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Продам модули Cisco

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Juniper SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320 900000
Juniper SRX5800-HC 600000
Модули CISCO:
A9K-24X10GE-TR, 950000

 A9K-RSP440  450000

 A9K-RSP880. 1200000
A9K-8T-L 100000

Cisco A9K-4T16GE-TR, 750000

Cisco A9K-40GE-TR, 540000

Cisco 76-ES+T-4TG 320000
Juniper MIC-3D-4XGE-XFP
Juniper MIC-3D-20GE-SFP
A9K MOD 80TR 400000


Cisco RSP720-3C-GE

Cisco PA-MC-E3

Cisco WS-SUP32-GE

Cisco 76-ES+T-4TG

Cisco WS-X6148A-GE-TX

Cisco WS-F6700-DFC3C

Cisco WS-F6748-GETX

Cisco NM-2W


Cisco 4-Port Ethernet Network Module (NM-4E)



SFP gige LX-LS 


Для связи s.v.o.i@list.ru

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