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Блокировать мультикаст ОТ абонента.

SNR 2960,2980,2990,2965


Правильно ли я понимаю, что глобальная команда "ip multicast source-control" не ограничивает мультикаст с порта, если он mrouter ?

По крайней мере на 2960 на стенде получилось именно так.

Правда еще настроен "multicast destination-control", возможно это разрешает нужный траффик?

Edited by ShyLion

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Обновил прошивку, не помогло. ЧЯНТ?


service password-encryption
authentication logging enable
authentication line console login local
authentication ip access-class vty in
clock timezone TMN add 5 0
logging level informational
logging loghost sequence-number
logging executed-commands enable
ssh-server enable
no ip http server
no telnet-server enable
snmp-server enable
snmp-server community ro 7 xxxx access snmp_ro
ip dhcp snooping enable
lldp enable
loopback-detection interval-time 30 15
loopback-detection control-recovery timeout 60
loopback-detection trap enable
vlan 1
vlan 7
name mgmt
vlan 12
name TV_Converter
vlan 79
name VideoCams
vlan 300
name VOICE
vlan 405
vlan 400
name IPTV
multicast-vlan association 405
access-list 5000 deny ip any-source any-destination
access-list 5002 deny ip any-source any-destination
access-list 6000 permit ip any-source
ip access-list standard snmp_ro
 permit host-source
ip access-list extended vty
 permit ip any-destination
 permit ip any-destination
 permit ip any-destination
 permit ip any-destination
 permit ip any-destination
 permit ip any-destination
ip multicast source-control
multicast destination-control
ip multicast policy cos 3
ip multicast policy cos 3
mls qos queue algorithm sp
Interface Ethernet1/1
rate-violation broadcast 1000
rate-violation multicast 1000
ip multicast destination-control access-group 6000
no mls qos trust cos
lldp transmit optional tlv sysName sysCap
switchport access vlan 12
pppoe intermediate-agent
loopback-detection specified-vlan 12
loopback-detection control shutdown
loopback-detection send packet number 5
igmp snooping drop query
switchport mac-address dynamic maximum 20
! аналогично до 1/24
Interface Ethernet1/25
description Uplink
ip multicast source-control access-group 5002
no mls qos trust cos
lldp transmit optional tlv portDesc sysName sysDesc sysCap
switchport mode trunk
pppoe intermediate-agent
pppoe intermediate-agent trust
igmp snooping drop report
ip dhcp snooping trust
Interface Ethernet1/26
Interface Ethernet1/27
Interface Ethernet1/28
description Downlink
ip multicast destination-control access-group 6000
no mls qos trust cos
lldp transmit optional tlv portDesc sysName sysDesc sysCap
switchport access vlan 405
igmp snooping drop query
interface Vlan1
interface Vlan7
ip address
ip igmp snooping
ip igmp snooping vlan 400
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 limit group 255
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 immediately-leave
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 mrouter-port interface Ethernet1/25
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/1 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/2 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/3 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/4 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/5 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/6 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/7 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/8 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/9 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/10 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/11 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/12 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/13 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/14 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/15 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/16 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/17 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/18 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/19 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/20 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/21 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/22 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/23 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip igmp snooping vlan 400 interface Ethernet1/24 limit group 5 strategy replace
ip default-gateway
ntp enable
ntp server
exec-timeout 60 0
no login
voice-vlan vlan 300
voice-vlan mac 02-01-02-03-04-05 ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff priority 5 name Example
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/28
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/27
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/26
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/24
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/23
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/22
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/21
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/20
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/19
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/18
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/17
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/16
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/15
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/14
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/13
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/12
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/11
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/10
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/9
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/8
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/7
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/6
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/5
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/4
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/3
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/2
isolate-port group 1 switchport interface Ethernet1/1


Источник мультика на Eth1/25 в 400 вилане

ss-pe-7112#show int eth1/25 | inc multicast
   15364 unicast packets, 336424 multicast packets, 3508 broadcast packets
   14968 unicast packets, 39 multicast packets, 2 broadcast packets
через несколько секунд:
ss-pe-7112#show int eth1/25 | inc multicast
   15458 unicast packets, 338832 multicast packets, 3528 broadcast packets
   15061 unicast packets, 39 multicast packets, 2 broadcast packets

Видно как мультик прилетает


Получатель на Eth1/28.


ss-pe-7112#show int eth1/28 | inc multicast
   0 unicast packets, 43 multicast packets, 0 broadcast packets
   29 unicast packets, 381208 multicast packets, 1 broadcast packets
ss-pe-7112#show int eth1/28 | inc multicast
   0 unicast packets, 43 multicast packets, 0 broadcast packets
   29 unicast packets, 389649 multicast packets, 1 broadcast packets

и улетает.


[root@net-console-01 /var/home/lion]# astra --analyze 'udp://eth4@'
Sep 30 16:59:43: INFO: Starting Astra 4.4.98
Sep 30 16:59:43: INFO: PAT: tsid: 5
Sep 30 16:59:43: INFO: PAT: pid: 400 PMT pnr: 504
Sep 30 16:59:43: INFO: PAT: crc32: 0x569EB386
Sep 30 16:59:43: INFO: PMT: pnr: 504
Sep 30 16:59:43: INFO: PMT: pid: 401 PCR
Sep 30 16:59:43: INFO: VIDEO: pid: 401 type: 0x1B
Sep 30 16:59:43: INFO: AUDIO: pid: 402 type: 0x04
Sep 30 16:59:43: INFO: AUDIO: Language: rus
Sep 30 16:59:43: INFO: AUDIO: pid: 403 type: 0x0F
Sep 30 16:59:43: INFO: AUDIO: descriptor: 0x6A028F00
Sep 30 16:59:43: INFO: AUDIO: Language: AC3
Sep 30 16:59:43: INFO: AUDIO: descriptor: 0x2B03010200
Sep 30 16:59:43: INFO: PMT: crc32: 0x5A004BA6
Sep 30 16:59:44: INFO: Bitrate: 16737 Kbit/s
Sep 30 16:59:45: INFO: Bitrate: 16168 Kbit/s
Sep 30 16:59:46: INFO: Bitrate: 16054 Kbit/s
^CSep 30 16:59:46: INFO: [main] exit


ss-pe-7112#show ip igmp snooping vlan 400
Igmp snooping information for vlan 400

Igmp snooping L2 general querier                  :NO
Igmp snooping query-interval                      :125(s)
Igmp snooping max response time                   :10(s)
Igmp snooping specific-query max response time    :1(s)
Igmp snooping robustness                          :2
Igmp snooping mrouter port keep-alive time        :255(s)

IGMP Snooping Connect Group Membership
Note:*-All Source, (S)- Include Source, [s]-Exclude Source
Groups          Sources             Ports               Exptime  SrcMac              System Level  *                   Ethernet1/28        00:04:19 60:E3:27:01:05:48   V3

Igmp snooping vlan 400 mrouter port
Note:"!"-static mrouter port

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