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SCE-2020 не принимает больше 3000 клиентов

Добрый день.


Есть проблема с SCE-2020.


SM manager держит 3203 сабскрайбера

su pcube -c 'cd ~;/opt/pcube/sm/server/bin/p3subsdb --show-num'
Total number of subscribers: 3203
Command terminated successfully


При этом на sce при синхронизации попадают не все

SCE2000#>sh interface L 0 subscriber all-names 
There are 3144 subscribers in the data-base:


При ручной синхронизации

su pcube -c 'cd ~;/opt/pcube/sm/server/bin/p3sm --resync -n 001'
Error - Failed to synchronize 001
SCE 001 had errors during subscribers synchronization: failed to synchronize 176 subscribers



еще инфа...

su pcube -c 'cd ~;/opt/pcube/sm/server/bin/p3net --show -n 001'
Network Element Information:
Name:        001
Port:        14374
Status:      Connection ready
Type:        SCE2000
Domain:      subscribers
Synchronization Status: Not-done(5% failures)
Redundancy Status: Standalone
Quarantine Status: ok
Command terminated successfully


Лог sm-manager

"31-дек 2014", "15:01:30.927 YEKT","[mcn.SM[async-dispatcher]]",INFO ,"com.pcube.logger.userlog.UserLog","SM: 998 - operation failure (Subscribers database is full) on 001 (domain: subscribers)."
"31-дек 2014", "15:01:30.928 YEKT","[mcn.SM[async-dispatcher]]",ERROR,"com.pcube.management.smm.SePushSynchronizationTask","Error: Subscribers database is full (originalCode=20), while sync of 999 into 001/subscribers"
"31-дек 2014", "15:01:30.928 YEKT","[mcn.SM[async-dispatcher]]",INFO ,"com.pcube.logger.userlog.UserLog","SM: 999 - operation failure (Subscribers database is full) on 001 (domain: subscribers)."
"31-дек 2014", "15:01:31.027 YEKT","[smmSync(10)-001]",INFO ,"com.pcube.logger.userlog.UserLog","SM: Finished SM subscriber synchronization of 001 in subscribers domain (3115 subscribers, 88 failures)."
"31-дек 2014", "15:01:31.027 YEKT","[smmSync(10)-001]",INFO ,"com.pcube.management.smm.SePushSynchronizationTask","SMM synchronization of 001( finished. successful logins:3115 failed:88 rate:515.8138764696142 subscribers per second (88 relogins)"
"31-дек 2014", "15:01:31.027 YEKT","[smmSync(10)-001]",WARN ,"com.pcube.management.smm.SeSynchronizationTask","Failed to synchronize 001 - SCE 001 had errors during subscribers synchronization: failed to synchronize 176 subscribers"


Из него вычитал

operation failure (Subscribers database is full) on 001


Прошу подсказать почему так...

Такое началось после обесточивания sce.


Команду давал.. не помогает

SCE2000(config if)#>subscriber max-subscribers 40k


Сабскрайберов добавляю банально

su pcube -c 'cd ~;/opt/pcube/sm/server/bin/p3subs --set --subscriber=3404 --ip= --property=packageId=16 --overwrite'


Да, у меня в конфиге p3sm.conf разрешены сети, может они занимают много памяти в sce.


А может планка памяти RAM не определяется? Не хватает ОЗУ чтоб всех разместить...

Уж не знаю что думать.


Да, пару недель назад залил pp44. Но после все работало исправно.


SCE2000#>sh ver
System version: Version 4.0.0-classic Build 316
Build time: Jun 13 2013, 21:01:05 (Change-list 731199)
Software version is: Version 4.0.0-classic Build 316
Cryptography class: K9
Hardware information is:
rx            : 0x0079
dp            : 0x1d08
tx            : 0x1712
ff            : 0x0077
cls           : 0x1e05
cpld          : 0x0025
lic           : 0x0202
lic-drv       : 0x02020000
lic-prm       : 0x02020000
rev           : G001 
Bootrom       : 2.1.0 
L2 cache      : Samsung 0.5 
lic type      : 4GBE 
optic mode    : MM 
Product S/N   : CAT09470XMF 
Product ID    :  
Version ID    :  
Deviation     :  
Part number       : 800-26601-03
Revision          : A0
Software revision : G001
LineCard S/N      : CAT09490X88
Power Supply type : AC

SML Application information is: 
Application file: /tffs0/release_.sli
Application name: Engage SML Version 4.0.0 build 65 (Protocol Pack 44 build 28)
Using Lib - PL_V4.0.0PP_B316
Using Lib - Classifier_V4.0.0_B316
Application help: Entry point of Engage
Original source file: /auto/srbu-proj1-bgl/apps/users/uandhava/Autobuild400/App/SML/Engage/V4.0.0/src/com/pcube/AppTemplate/Main/template_app_main.san
Compilation date: Tue, December 02, 2014 at 15:38:41
Compiler version: SANc v3.20 Build 14 built on: Tue 08/04/2009 06:58:22.;SME plugin v1.1
Default capacity option used.

Logger status: Enabled

Platform: SCE2000 - 4xGBE
Management agent interface version: SCE Agent 4.0.0 Build 115
Software package file: ftp://ftpserver/F:\sce\scos-v400-b316-sce2000-classic-k9.pkg 

SCE2000  uptime is 16 hours, 13 minutes, 39 seconds


Вот еще нарыл

SCE2000#>sh interf L 0 subscriber db counters 
Current values:
Subscribers: 3143 used out of 199999 max.
Introduced/Pulled subscribers: 3143.
Anonymous subscribers: 0.
Subscribers with mappings: 3115 used out of 3115 max.
Single non-VPN IP mappings: 32.
Non-VPN IP Range mappings: 3083.
IP Range over VPN mappings: 0.
Single IP over VPN mappings: 0.
VLAN based VPNs with subscribers: 0 used out of 2047.
Subscribers with open sessions: 0.
Subscribers with TIR mappings: 0.
Sessions mapped to the default subscriber: 0.


Вижу что уперся в ограничение 3115. Подскажите что это?

Edited by sekuzz

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На тестовой сейчас, сети не разрешены, все сабскрайберы в анонимной группе.


Current values:
Subscribers: 1231 used out of 199999 max.
Introduced/Pulled subscribers: 1.
Anonymous subscribers: 1230.
Subscribers with mappings: 1231 used out of 79999 max.
Single non-VPN IP mappings: 1231.
Non-VPN IP Range mappings: 0.
IP Range over VPN mappings: 0.
Single IP over VPN mappings: 0.
VLAN based VPNs with subscribers: 0 used out of 2047.
Subscribers with open sessions: 1007.
Subscribers with TIR mappings: 0.
Sessions mapped to the default subscriber: 0.


3.8.5 старушка. Мне кажется надо для начала ребутнуть да p3subsdb --clear-all накатить...

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Обновился до 4.1.0. стало все нормально. Видимо обновлением исправился где-то глюк.

DVM-Avgoor, спасибо за участие в решении проблемы.

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