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ECS3510-28T + скорость из радиуса.



Имеется ECS3510-28T с последней прошивкой:

Console#sh ver
Unit 1
Serial Number          : U11311001185
Hardware Version       : R3.00
EPLD Version           : 0.00
Number of Ports        : 28
Main Power Status      : Up
Role                   : Master
Loader Version         :
Linux Kernel Version   :
Boot ROM Version       :
Operation Code Version :


Не могу выставить скорость на порту из Radius.

Подскажите, пожалуйста, как это сделать???


В радиусе указываю:

rate-limit-input = 200,
rate-limit-output = 400,


Но скорость на порту не меняется.


В техподдержке написали:

The RADIUS server may optionally return dynamic QoS assignments to be applied
to a switch port for an authenticated user. The “Filter-ID” attribute (attribute 11)
can be configured on the RADIUS server to pass the following QoS information:

Profile     Attribute                           Syntax Example
DiffServ    service-policy-in=policy-map-name   service-policy-in=p1
Rate Limit  rate-limit-input=rate (Kbps)        rate-limit-input=100 (Kbps)
           rate-limit-output=rate (Kbps)       rate-limit-output=200 (Kbps)
802.1p      switchport-priority-default=value   switchport-priority-default=2
IP ACL      ip-access-group-in=ip-acl-name      ip-access-group-in=ipv4acl
IPv6 ACL    ipv6-access-group-in=ipv6-acl-name  ipv6-access-group-in=ipv6acl
MAC ACL     mac-access-group-in=mac-acl-name    mac-access-group-in=macAcl



hostname ectest
snmp-server community pub ro
snmp-server community priv rw
username admin access-level 15
username admin password 7 
enable password 7 
vlan database
VLAN 1 name DefaultVlan media ethernet
VLAN 501 name vlan501 media ethernet
dot1x system-auth-control
interface ethernet 1/1
dot1x intrusion-action guest-vlan
dot1x port-control auto
network-access dynamic-qos

interface ethernet 1/2
interface vlan 501
ip address
ip domain-lookup
ip default-gateway
radius-server 1 host auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 timeout 5 retransmit 2 key 
radius-server key 
authentication login local radius
aaa group server radius rad1
server 1
ip ssh server
interface vlan 501
line console
line vty
authorization exec default

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