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  1. Туннель через инет. Трейсроут с 881 всегда одинаков, также как и до него. Если трейс сделать с 881 на другого провайдера, конечный IP будет всё равно 85.XXX.XXX.14 (второй пров на 2951 идёт с настройкой ip secondary). Если дела в маршрутах, как объяснить нормальную работу других туннелей? Все споки идут к 85.ххх.ххх.14 (хаб), другой провайдер в этом не учавствует. У меня уже мысль была, что из интранета филиала, какая-то железка пытается наладить коннект, обрезал по ацл (udp 500), также.
  2. Привет! S 85.XXX.XXX.10/32 [1/0] via 85.XXX.XXX.13 , первое - это внешний адрес для тун19 (по месту локации), второе - шлюз провайдера (то что идёт по ge0/1.850). Ещё на 2951 подведён второй провайдер, таким же способом (через свичи и вланы). Пробовал с проблемным филиалом строить тоннель до другого филиала, чтобы исключить 2951 - всё ок, никаких лишних FE и ошибок ассоциации SA в логах... Маршрут, на нашей стороне, до споков всегда один (то, что до бордера провайдера). Может быть глюк оборудования (2951, например от старых тоннелей фантомные следы остались, раньше до 85.XXX.XXX.10 было два тоннеля, но их как год нет, тогда ещё не работал, не знаю, были ли ошибки и разрывы...)? Что пытается авторизоваться... Jun 8 11:41:28 Moscow: ISAKMP (0): received packet from 85.XXX.XXX.10 dport 500 sport 500 Global (N) NEW SA Jun 8 11:41:38 Moscow: ISAKMP (0): received packet from 85.XXX.XXX.10 dport 500 sport 500 Global (N) NEW SA Jun 8 11:41:48 Moscow: ISAKMP (0): received packet from 85.XXX.XXX.10 dport 500 sport 500 Global (N) NEW SA Jun 8 11:41:58 Moscow: ISAKMP (0): received packet from 85.XXX.XXX.10 dport 500 sport 500 Global (N) NEW SA Jun 8 11:42:08 Moscow: ISAKMP (0): received packet from 85.XXX.XXX.10 dport 500 sport 500 Global (N) NEW SA Jun 8 11:42:08.134: ISAKMP (0): received packet from 85.XXX.XXX.14 dport 500 sport 500 Global (R) MM_SA_SETUP Jun 8 11:42:08.134: ISAKMP:(0): phase 1 packet is a duplicate of a previous packet. Jun 8 11:42:08.134: ISAKMP:(0): retransmitting due to retransmit phase 1 Jun 8 11:42:08.634: ISAKMP:(0): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP... Jun 8 11:42:08.634: ISAKMP (0): incrementing error counter on sa, attempt 5 of 5: retransmit phase 1 Jun 8 11:42:08.634: ISAKMP:(0): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP Jun 8 11:42:08.634: ISAKMP:(0): sending packet to 85.XXX.XXX.14 my_port 500 peer_port 500 (R) MM_SA_SETUP Jun 8 11:42:08.634: ISAKMP:(0):Sending an IKE IPv4 Packet. Jun 8 11:42:18.635: ISAKMP:(0): retransmitting phase 1 MM_SA_SETUP... Jun 8 11:42:18.635: ISAKMP:(0):peer does not do paranoid keepalives. Jun 8 11:42:18.635: ISAKMP:(0):deleting SA reason "Death by retransmission P1" state (R) MM_SA_SETUP (peer 85.XXX.XXX.14) Jun 8 11:42:18.635: ISAKMP:(0):deleting SA reason "Death by retransmission P1" state (R) MM_SA_SETUP (peer 85.XXX.XXX.14) Jun 8 11:42:18.635: ISAKMP: Unlocking peer struct 0x879306CC for isadb_mark_sa_deleted(), count 1 Jun 8 11:42:18.635: ISAKMP:(0):Input = IKE_MESG_INTERNAL, IKE_PHASE1_DEL Jun 8 11:42:18.635: ISAKMP:(0):Old State = IKE_R_MM2 New State = IKE_DEST_SA Jun 8 11:43:18.134: ISAKMP (0): received packet from 85.XXX.XXX.14 dport 500 sport 500 Global (N) NEW SA Jun 8 11:43:18.134: ISAKMP: Found a peer struct for 85.XXX.XXX.14, peer port 500 Jun 8 11:43:18.134: ISAKMP: Locking peer struct 0x879306CC, refcount 2 for crypto_isakmp_process_block Jun 8 11:43:18.138: ISAKMP: local port 500, remote port 500 Jun 8 11:43:18.138: ISAKMP: Find a dup sa in the avl tree during calling isadb_insert sa = 88753AA8 Jun 8 11:43:18.138: ISAKMP:(0):Input = IKE_MESG_FROM_PEER, IKE_MM_EXCH Jun 8 11:43:18.138: ISAKMP:(0):Old State = IKE_READY New State = IKE_R_MM1
  3. 2951 подключен к инету так: 2951 Switch C3650 Switch C3750 GE0/1.850 --> (транки в оба конца) --> GE2/0/20 (access port, vlan 850, в него и воткнут провайдер) sh cry isa sa c 881-й: IPv4 Crypto ISAKMP SA dst src state conn-id status 85.XXX.XXX.10 85.XXX.XXX.14 MM_SA_SETUP 0 ACTIVE <- откуда это? 85.XXX.XXX.14 85.XXX.XXX.10 QM_IDLE 2003 ACTIVE Вот они и не могут договориться, не пойму только, откуда это вылазит.
  4. Спасибо за ответы! Менять что-то кардинально желания нет, работает - не трогаю. Вот вывод sh cry ses det с аналогичной 881-й с той же прошивкой, нет никакого FE4 (такая же схема подключения): Interface: Tunnel22 Uptime: 13:47:41 Session status: UP-ACTIVE Peer: 85.XXX.XXX.14 port 500 fvrf: (none) ivrf: (none) Phase1_id: 85.XXX.XXX.14 Desc: (none) Session ID: 0 IKEv1 SA: local 109.XXX.XXX.144/500 remote 85.XXX.XXX.14/500 Active Capabilities:D connid:2023 lifetime:10:12:18 IPSEC FLOW: permit ip Active SAs: 2, origin: crypto map Inbound: #pkts dec'ed 663698 drop 0 life (KB/Sec) 4354505/2148 Outbound: #pkts enc'ed 539302 drop 0 life (KB/Sec) 4356508/2148 sh ip route с 881: Gateway of last resort is 85.XXX.XXX.19 to network S* [10/0] via 85.XXX.XXX.19 is variably subnetted, 2 subnets, 2 masks C 85.XXX.XXX.18/30 is directly connected, FastEthernet4 L 85.XXX.XXX.10/32 is directly connected, FastEthernet4 is variably subnetted, 2 subnets, 2 masks C is directly connected, Tunnel19 L is directly connected, Tunnel19 is variably subnetted, 2 subnets, 2 masks C is directly connected, Vlan10 L is directly connected, Vlan10 S is directly connected, Tunnel19 S is directly connected, Tunnel19 sh ip route с 2951, лишнее убрал: Gateway of last resort is 212.XXX.XXX.57 to network S* [5/0] via 212.XXX.XXX.57 is variably subnetted, 9 subnets, 2 masks . . C 85.XXX.XXX.14/32 is directly connected, GigabitEthernet0/1.850 S 85.XXX.XXX.10/32 [1/0] via 85.XXX.XXX.13 . . . is variably subnetted, 14 subnets, 4 masks C is directly connected, Tunnel19 L is directly connected, Tunnel19 C is directly connected, Tunnel22 L is directly connected, Tunnel22 C is directly connected, Tunnel17 L is directly connected, Tunnel17 C is directly connected, Tunnel13 L is directly connected, Tunnel13 C is directly connected, Tunnel23 L is directly connected, Tunnel23 C is directly connected, Tunnel54 L is directly connected, Tunnel54 is subnetted, 1 subnets S 185.X.X.128 [1/0] via 85.XXX.XXX.13 S [1/0] via S [1/0] via S [1/0] via
  5. Привет! Не понимаю почему остаётся fastethernet4 в выводах sh cry sess det? И лишний след в sh cry isa sa... no crypto isakmp keepalive 10 periodic - пробовал, туннель перестаёт падать, но всё равно приходит ошибка и не исчезает FE4, как на остальныз 881-х. %CRYPTO-4-IKMP_NO_SA: IKE message from 85.XXX.XXX.10 has no SA and is not an initialization offer Политики убирать пробовал, это не суть думаю... Выводы с 881: IPv4 Crypto ISAKMP SA dst src state conn-id status 85.XXX.XXX.14 85.XXX.XXX.10 QM_IDLE 2184 ACTIVE 85.XXX.XXX.10 85.XXX.XXX.14 MM_SA_SETUP 0 ACTIVE interface: Tunnel19 Crypto map tag: Tunnel19-head-0, local addr 85.XXX.XXX.10 protected vrf: (none) local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): ( remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): ( current_peer 85.XXX.XXX.14 port 500 PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,} #pkts encaps: 300420, #pkts encrypt: 300420, #pkts digest: 300420 #pkts decaps: 349690, #pkts decrypt: 349690, #pkts verify: 349690 #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0 #pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0 #pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0 #send errors 0, #recv errors 0 local crypto endpt.: 85.XXX.XXX.10, remote crypto endpt.: 85.XXX.XXX.14 plaintext mtu 1438, path mtu 1500, ip mtu 1500, ip mtu idb FastEthernet4 current outbound spi: 0xAA733A66(2859678310) PFS (Y/N): N, DH group: none inbound esp sas: spi: 0xA3A118BD(2745243837) transform: esp-aes esp-md5-hmac , in use settings ={Tunnel, } conn id: 69, flow_id: Onboard VPN:69, sibling_flags 80000040, crypto map: Tunnel19-head-0 sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4203007/3598) IV size: 16 bytes replay detection support: Y Status: ACTIVE(ACTIVE) inbound ah sas: inbound pcp sas: outbound esp sas: spi: 0xAA733A66(2859678310) transform: esp-aes esp-md5-hmac , in use settings ={Tunnel, } conn id: 70, flow_id: Onboard VPN:70, sibling_flags 80000040, crypto map: Tunnel19-head-0 sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4203003/3598) IV size: 16 bytes replay detection support: Y Status: ACTIVE(ACTIVE) outbound ah sas: outbound pcp sas: Выводы с 2951, лишнее опустил: IPv4 Crypto ISAKMP SA dst src state conn-id status . . . 85.XXX.XXX.14 85.XXX.XXX.10 QM_IDLE 13401 ACTIVE 85.XXX.XXX.14 85.XXX.XXX.10 MM_NO_STATE 13400 ACTIVE (deleted) . . . . . . interface: Tunnel19 Crypto map tag: Tunnel19-head-0, local addr 85.XXX.XXX.14 protected vrf: (none) local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): ( remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): ( current_peer 85.XXX.XXX.10 port 500 PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,} #pkts encaps: 1164267, #pkts encrypt: 1164267, #pkts digest: 1164267 #pkts decaps: 1336034, #pkts decrypt: 1336034, #pkts verify: 1336034 #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0 #pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0 #pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0 #send errors 0, #recv errors 2 local crypto endpt.: 85.XXX.XXX.14, remote crypto endpt.: 85.XXX.XXX.10 plaintext mtu 1438, path mtu 1500, ip mtu 1500, ip mtu idb GigabitEthernet0/1.850 current outbound spi: 0xA3A118BD(2745243837) PFS (Y/N): N, DH group: none inbound esp sas: spi: 0xAA733A66(2859678310) transform: esp-aes esp-md5-hmac , in use settings ={Tunnel, } conn id: 2913, flow_id: Onboard VPN:2913, sibling_flags 80000040, crypto map: Tunnel19-head-0 sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4344618/3528) IV size: 16 bytes replay detection support: Y replay window size: 128 Status: ACTIVE(ACTIVE) inbound ah sas: inbound pcp sas: outbound esp sas: spi: 0xA3A118BD(2745243837) transform: esp-aes esp-md5-hmac , in use settings ={Tunnel, } conn id: 2914, flow_id: Onboard VPN:2914, sibling_flags 80000040, crypto map: Tunnel19-head-0 sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4337233/3528) IV size: 16 bytes replay detection support: Y replay window size: 128 Status: ACTIVE(ACTIVE) outbound ah sas: outbound pcp sas: . . .
  6. Добрый день, коллеги! Есть cisco 2951 с ipsec туннелями по городам, есть cisco 881 на которой туннель до 2951 обрывается каждые две минуты. Есть аналогичные cisco 881 с такой же версией ios и конфигом, прекрасно работающие. Что не так? sh run на 2951: c2951-universalk9-mz.SPA.153-3.M.bin...!crypto isakmp policy 1encr aeshash md5authentication pre-share!crypto isakmp policy 2encr aes 256authentication pre-sharegroup 2!crypto isakmp policy 3encr 3deshash md5authentication pre-share!crypto isakmp policy 4authentication pre-share!crypto isakmp policy 12encr 3deshash md5authentication pre-sharegroup 2crypto isakmp key THISISKEY address 85.XXX.XXX.10crypto isakmp invalid-spi-recoverycrypto isakmp keepalive 10 periodic!crypto ipsec security-association replay window-size 128!crypto ipsec transform-set VPN_Office esp-aes esp-md5-hmacmode tunnelcrypto ipsec df-bit clear!crypto ipsec profile VPN_Officeset transform-set VPN_Office!...!interface Tunnel19description ---===piter===---ip address source 85.XXX.XXX.14tunnel mode ipsec ipv4tunnel destination 85.XXX.XXX.10tunnel protection ipsec profile VPN_Office!... sh run на 881: c880data-universalk9-mz.153-3.M.bin...!crypto isakmp policy 1encr aeshash md5authentication pre-share!crypto isakmp policy 2encr aes 256authentication pre-sharegroup 2crypto isakmp key THISISKEY address 85.XXX.XXX.14crypto isakmp keepalive 10 periodic!!crypto ipsec transform-set VPN_Office esp-aes esp-md5-hmacmode tunnel!crypto ipsec profile VPN_Officeset transform-set VPN_Office!!!!interface Tunnel19description ---===moscow===---ip address source 85.XXX.XXX.10tunnel mode ipsec ipv4tunnel destination 85.XXX.XXX.14tunnel protection ipsec profile VPN_Office!... sh cry sess det на 2951: Interface: Tunnel19Uptime: 00:00:40Session status: UP-ACTIVEPeer: 85.XXX.XXX.10 port 500 fvrf: (none) ivrf: (none) Phase1_id: 85.XXX.XXX.10 Desc: (none) Session ID: 0 IKEv1 SA: local 85.XXX.XXX.14/500 remote 85.XXX.XXX.10/500 Active Capabilities:D connid:12866 lifetime:23:58:53 IPSEC FLOW: permit ip Active SAs: 2, origin: crypto map Inbound: #pkts dec'ed 759646 drop 2 life (KB/Sec) 4178190/3559 Outbound: #pkts enc'ed 564876 drop 0 life (KB/Sec) 4191031/3559 sh cry sess det на 811: Interface: Tunnel19Uptime: 00:01:02Session status: UP-ACTIVEPeer: 85.XXX.XXX.14 port 500 fvrf: (none) ivrf: (none) Phase1_id: 85.XXX.XXX.14 Desc: (none) Session ID: 0 IKEv1 SA: local 85.XXX.XXX.10/500 remote 85.XXX.XXX.14/500 Active Capabilities:D connid:2065 lifetime:23:58:30 IPSEC FLOW: permit ip Active SAs: 2, origin: crypto map Inbound: #pkts dec'ed 222869 drop 0 life (KB/Sec) 4346407/3537 Outbound: #pkts enc'ed 374400 drop 0 life (KB/Sec) 4338287/3537Interface: FastEthernet4Uptime: 00:01:02Session status: DOWN-NEGOTIATINGPeer: 85.XXX.XXX.14 port 500 fvrf: (none) ivrf: (none) Phase1_id: 85.XXX.XXX.14 Desc: (none) Session ID: 0 IKEv1 SA: local 85.XXX.XXX.10/500 remote 85.XXX.XXX.14/500 Inactive Capabilities:(none) connid:0 lifetime:0 В логах 2951: Jun 4 16:29:12 rojg2951 Moscow: %CRYPTO-4-IKMP_NO_SA: IKE message from 85.XXX.XXX.10 has no SA and is not an initialization offerJun 4 16:31:12 rojg2951 Moscow: %CRYPTO-4-IKMP_NO_SA: IKE message from 85.XXX.XXX.10 has no SA and is not an initialization offerJun 4 16:33:12 rojg2951 Moscow: %CRYPTO-4-IKMP_NO_SA: IKE message from 85.XXX.XXX.10 has no SA and is not an initialization offerJun 4 16:35:12 rojg2951 Moscow: %CRYPTO-4-IKMP_NO_SA: IKE message from 85.XXX.XXX.10 has no SA and is not an initialization offerJun 4 16:37:12 rojg2951 Moscow: %CRYPTO-4-IKMP_NO_SA: IKE message from 85.XXX.XXX.10 has no SA and is not an initialization offerJun 4 16:39:12 rojg2951 Moscow: %CRYPTO-4-IKMP_NO_SA: IKE message from 85.XXX.XXX.10 has no SA and is not an initialization offerJun 4 16:41:12 rojg2951 Moscow: %CRYPTO-4-IKMP_NO_SA: IKE message from 85.XXX.XXX.10 has no SA and is not an initialization offer Дебаг на 2951: Jun 4 16:36:23 Moscow: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel19, changed state to downJun 4 16:36:23 Moscow: IPSEC(ERROR): [ident_update_final_flow_stats] Peer index node NULL for peer index 0 when corresponding flow id 0x14000667 was completedJun 4 16:36:39 Moscow: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel19, changed state to upJun 4 16:37:12 Moscow: %CRYPTO-4-IKMP_NO_SA: IKE message from 85.XXX.XXX.10 has no SA and is not an initialization offerJun 4 16:37:40 Moscow: ISAKMP:(0):Invalid IKE exchange type 243Jun 4 16:37:40 Moscow: ISAKMP:(0):Bad header. IKE Packet dropped.Jun 4 16:37:45 Moscow: ISAKMP:(0):Invalid IKE exchange type 243Jun 4 16:37:45 Moscow: ISAKMP:(0):Bad header. IKE Packet dropped.Jun 4 16:38:13 Moscow: ISAKMP:(12855):deleting SA reason "Death by retransmission P1" state (I) QM_IDLE (peer 85.XXX.XXX.10)Jun 4 16:38:13 Moscow: ISAKMP:(12855):deleting SA reason "Death by retransmission P1" state (I) QM_IDLE (peer 85.XXX.XXX.10)Jun 4 16:38:23 Moscow: ISAKMP:(0):Can't decrement IKE Call Admission Control stat outgoing_negotiating since it's already 0.Jun 4 16:38:28 Moscow: IPSEC(send_delete_notify_kmi): not sending KEY_ENGINE_DELETE_SASJun 4 16:38:28 Moscow: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel19, changed state to downJun 4 16:38:28 Moscow: IPSEC(ERROR): [ident_update_final_flow_stats] Peer index node NULL for peer index 0 when corresponding flow id 0x14000669 was completedJun 4 16:38:40 Moscow: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel19, changed state to upJun 4 16:39:12 Moscow: %CRYPTO-4-IKMP_NO_SA: IKE message from 85.XXX.XXX.10 has no SA and is not an initialization offerJun 4 16:40:13 Moscow: ISAKMP:(12856):deleting SA reason "Death by retransmission P1" state (I) QM_IDLE (peer 85.XXX.XXX.10)Jun 4 16:40:13 Moscow: ISAKMP:(12856):deleting SA reason "Death by retransmission P1" state (I) QM_IDLE (peer 85.XXX.XXX.10)Jun 4 16:40:23 Moscow: ISAKMP:(0):Can't decrement IKE Call Admission Control stat outgoing_negotiating since it's already 0.Jun 4 16:40:28 Moscow: IPSEC(send_delete_notify_kmi): not sending KEY_ENGINE_DELETE_SASJun 4 16:40:28 Moscow: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel19, changed state to downJun 4 16:40:28 Moscow: IPSEC(ERROR): [ident_update_final_flow_stats] Peer index node NULL for peer index 0 when corresponding flow id 0x1400066B was completedJun 4 16:40:41 Moscow: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel19, changed state to up Дебаг на 881: .Jun 4 16:52:46.249: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel19, changed state to up.Jun 4 16:54:13.005: ISAKMP:(0): Phase 1 negotiation failed with DPD active; deleting IKE/IPSec SAs.Jun 4 16:54:13.005: ISAKMP:(2061):deleting SA reason "Death by retransmission P1" state ® QM_IDLE (peer 85.XXX.XXX.14).Jun 4 16:54:13.005: ISAKMP:(0):deleting SA reason "Death by retransmission P1" state ® MM_SA_SETUP (peer 85.XXX.XXX.14).Jun 4 16:54:13.005: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel19, changed state to down.Jun 4 16:54:13.009: ISAKMP:(0):deleting SA reason "Death by retransmission P1" state ® MM_SA_SETUP (peer 85.XXX.XXX.14).Jun 4 16:54:13.013: ISAKMP:(2061):deleting SA reason "Death by retransmission P1" state ® QM_IDLE (peer 85.XXX.XXX.14).Jun 4 16:54:13.013: IPSEC(ERROR): [ident_update_final_flow_stats] Peer index node NULL for peer index 0 when corresponding flow id 0x14000017 was completed.Jun 4 16:54:13.193: %CRYPTO-4-RECVD_PKT_INV_SPI: decaps: rec'd IPSEC packet has invalid spi for destaddr=85.XXX.XXX.10, prot=50, spi=0x5CD3DCBE(1557388478), srcaddr=85.XXX.XXX.14, input interface=FastEthernet4.Jun 4 16:54:47.073: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel19, changed state to up.Jun 4 16:56:13.001: ISAKMP:(0): Phase 1 negotiation failed with DPD active; deleting IKE/IPSec SAs.Jun 4 16:56:13.001: ISAKMP:(2062):deleting SA reason "Death by retransmission P1" state ® QM_IDLE (peer 85.XXX.XXX.14).Jun 4 16:56:13.001: ISAKMP:(0):deleting SA reason "Death by retransmission P1" state ® MM_SA_SETUP (peer 85.XXX.XXX.14).Jun 4 16:56:13.001: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel19, changed state to down.Jun 4 16:56:13.009: ISAKMP:(0):deleting SA reason "Death by retransmission P1" state ® MM_SA_SETUP (peer 85.XXX.XXX.14).Jun 4 16:56:13.009: ISAKMP:(2062):deleting SA reason "Death by retransmission P1" state ® QM_IDLE (peer 85.XXX.XXX.14).Jun 4 16:56:13.013: IPSEC(ERROR): [ident_update_final_flow_stats] Peer index node NULL for peer index 0 when corresponding flow id 0x14000019 was completed.Jun 4 16:56:13.021: %CRYPTO-4-RECVD_PKT_INV_SPI: decaps: rec'd IPSEC packet has invalid spi for destaddr=85.XXX.XXX.10, prot=50, spi=0xE15B6CBD(3780865213), srcaddr=85.XXX.XXX.14, input interface=FastEthernet4.Jun 4 16:56:47.957: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel19, changed state to up.Jun 4 16:58:12.997: ISAKMP:(0): Phase 1 negotiation failed with DPD active; deleting IKE/IPSec SAs.Jun 4 16:58:12.997: ISAKMP:(2063):deleting SA reason "Death by retransmission P1" state ® QM_IDLE (peer 85.XXX.XXX.14).Jun 4 16:58:12.997: ISAKMP:(0):deleting SA reason "Death by retransmission P1" state ® MM_SA_SETUP (peer 85.XXX.XXX.14).Jun 4 16:58:12.997: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel19, changed state to down