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Сообщения, опубликованные пользователем suharik

  1. В 11.05.2018 в 08:03, Victor Tkachenko сказал:

    @YuryD на SNR также достаточно включить MSTP


    Если не планируете разбивать все vlan на несколько MSTI, то лучше переключиться на RSTP

    spanning-tree mode rstp

    Топология на коммутаторах SNR построится с учетом стандартных BPDU без тега, полученных от Rapid PVST.

    Проприетарные BPDU с тегом будут коммутироваться как обычные кадры и отбрасываться на заблокированных процессом RSTP/MSTP портах, в итоге коммутатор Cisco не обнаружит петли в отдельных vlan и назначит портам роль Designated. На SNR же трафик будет успешно блокироваться на избыточном линке.

    Работа такой схемы в общем случае проверялась, RSTP/MSTP отрабатывает штатно.

    Спасибо. Протестим

  2. Добрый день,

    Попытки использовать VSF на свичах SNR-S2990G-48T не приносят желаемого результата. Данный стэк периодически разваливается при абсолютно не понятных условиях. Может проработать месяц, а может и на неделе пару раз развалиться. 

    Версия прошивок 

    SNR-S2990G-48T#sh version 
      SNR-S2990G-48T Device, Compiled on Jun 08 17:06:46 2017
      sysLocation Building 57/2,Predelnaya st, Ekaterinburg, Russia
      CPU Mac f8:f0:82:73:82:7e
      Vlan MAC f8:f0:82:73:82:7d
      SoftWare Package Version
      BootRom Version 7.2.1
      HardWare Version R01
      CPLD Version N/A
      Serial No.:SW041610EA27000936
      Copyright (C) 2017 NAG LLC
      All rights reserved
      Last reboot is cold reset.
      Uptime is 0 weeks, 0 days, 4 hours, 2 minutes

    После последнего падения смог получить следующий лог с мастер свича


    Подскажите в чем может быть причина.

    За ранее благодарен


    Новый текстовый документ.txt

  3. Добрый день,

    Используем два свича SNR-S2990G-48T собранные в стэк. Стек работает. С этого стека поднят LAG до микротика. А когда пробуем поднять LAG до другого свича все падает.


    Конфиг стэка:





    no service password-encryption


    hostname SNR-S2990G-48T

    sysLocation Building 57/2,Predelnaya st, Ekaterinburg, Russia

    sysContact support@nag.ru


    username admin privilege 15 password 0 admin


    authentication line console login local





    snmp-server enable

    snmp-server securityip

    snmp-server trap-source

    snmp-server host v2c public

    snmp-server community rw 0 public

    snmp-server enable traps








    Interface Ethernet0


    transceiver-monitoring interval 1



    vlan 1;10;20-22;30;200-201;300-310;1000-1003


    vlan 3000


    port-group 1


    port-group 5


    Interface Ethernet1/0/1

    description server TERMINALOV

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/2

    description server 1C

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/3

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 2000 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 2000


    Interface Ethernet1/0/4

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 2000 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 2000


    Interface Ethernet1/0/5

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/6

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 2000 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 2000


    Interface Ethernet1/0/7

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 201 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 201


    Interface Ethernet1/0/8

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 200 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 200


    Interface Ethernet1/0/9

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/10

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/11

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/12

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/13

    description link SKLAD GP

    switchport mode trunk

    switchport trunk allowed vlan 2-4094


    Interface Ethernet1/0/14

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 310 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 310


    Interface Ethernet1/0/15

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 300 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 300


    Interface Ethernet1/0/16

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/17

    description link PROHODNAY

    switchport mode trunk

    switchport trunk allowed vlan 2-4094


    Interface Ethernet1/0/18

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/19

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/20

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 2000 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 2000


    Interface Ethernet1/0/21

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 2000 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 2000


    Interface Ethernet1/0/22

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 2000 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 2000


    Interface Ethernet1/0/23

    description TEHOTDEL_Trank

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 301 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 301


    Interface Ethernet1/0/24

    description PROISVODSTVO_Trank

    switchport mode trunk


    Interface Ethernet1/0/25

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/26

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/27

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/28

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/29

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/30

    description link CISCO switch

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/31

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/32

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/33

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/34

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/35

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/36

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/37

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/38

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/39

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/40

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/41

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/42

    description SBIT vlan 200

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 200 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 200


    Interface Ethernet1/0/43

    description server LINIAY

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/44

    description NAS2100

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/45

    description VWware ASUS

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/46

    description VMware HP

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet1/0/47

    description link to logistica

    switchport mode trunk

    switchport trunk allowed vlan 2-4094

    port-group 5 mode active


    Interface Ethernet1/0/48

    description Mikrotik LAG 2G

    switchport mode trunk

    switchport trunk allowed vlan 2-4094

    port-group 1 mode active


    Interface Ethernet1/0/49


    Interface Ethernet1/0/50


    Interface Ethernet1/0/51

    description VSF link


    Interface Ethernet1/0/52


    Interface Ethernet2/0/1

    description server TERMINALOV

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/2

    description server 1C

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/3

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/4

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/5

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/6

    description Wi-Fi Mikrotik 5

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/7

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/8

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 307 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 307

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/9

    description TMC

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 303 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 303

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/10

    description dead port


    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/11

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/12

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/13

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/14

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/15

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/16

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 307 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 307

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/17

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/18

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/19

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 307 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 307

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/20

    description Eltex TAU-36M

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/21

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/22

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/23

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/24

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/25

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/26

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 307 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 307

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/27

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/28

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/29

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/30

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 307 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 307

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/31

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/32

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 307 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 307

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/33

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/34

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/35

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/36

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/37

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/38

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/39

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 307 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 307

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/40

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 307 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 307

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/41

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 20 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 20

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/42

    description SBIT vlan 201

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 201 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 201

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/43

    description server LINIAY

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/44

    description NAS2100

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/45

    description VMware ASUS

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100


    Interface Ethernet2/0/46

    description VWware HP

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 21 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 21


    Interface Ethernet2/0/47

    description link to logistica

    switchport mode trunk

    switchport trunk allowed vlan 2-4094

    port-group 1 mode active


    Interface Ethernet2/0/48

    description Mikrotik LAG 2G

    switchport mode trunk

    switchport trunk allowed vlan 2-4094

    port-group 1 mode active


    Interface Ethernet2/0/49


    Interface Ethernet2/0/50


    Interface Ethernet2/0/51

    description VSF link

    transceiver-monitoring enable


    Interface Ethernet2/0/52


    transceiver-monitoring enable


    Interface Port-Channel1

    description LAG 2G/s SNR24

    vsf mad lacp enable


    Interface Port-Channel5


    interface Vlan1


    interface Vlan1000

    description managerment

    ip address


    ip route



    no login


    voice-vlan vlan 3000





    SNR-S2990G-48T Device, Compiled on Jul 17 16:53:42 2015

    sysLocation Building 57/2,Predelnaya st, Ekaterinburg, Russia

    CPU Mac f8:f0:82:73:82:7e

    Vlan MAC f8:f0:82:73:82:7d

    SoftWare Package Version

    BootRom Version 7.2.1

    HardWare Version R01

    CPLD Version N/A

    Serial No.:SW041610EA27000936

    Copyright © 2015 NAG LLC

    All rights reserved

    Last reboot is cold reset.

    Uptime is 0 weeks, 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes




    Конфиг другого свича:



    no service password-encryption


    hostname slio

    sysLocation slio

    sysContact support@nag.ru


    authentication logging enable


    username admin privilege 15 password 0 admin


    authentication line console login local






    snmp-server enable

    snmp-server securityip

    snmp-server host v2c public

    snmp-server community ro 0 public

    snmp-server community rw 0 private








    Interface Ethernet0




    vlan 1;21-22;300-308;1000;1002


    port-group 1


    port-group 2


    Interface Ethernet1/0/1

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/2

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/3

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/4

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/5

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/6

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/7

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/8

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/9

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/10

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/11

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/12

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/13

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/14

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/15

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/16

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/17

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/18

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/19

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/20

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/21

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/22

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/23

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/24

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/25

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/26

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/27

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/28

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/29

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/30

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/31

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/32

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/33

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/34

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/35

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/36

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/37

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/38

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/39

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/40

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/41

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/42

    description link to koregiruizhie

    switchport mode trunk

    switchport trunk allowed vlan 2-4094

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/43

    switchport mode hybrid

    switchport hybrid allowed vlan 302 untag

    switchport hybrid native vlan 302

    loopback-detection specified-vlan 100

    loopback-detection control shutdown


    Interface Ethernet1/0/44

    description link new tehotdel

    switchport mode trunk

    switchport trunk allowed vlan 2-4094


    Interface Ethernet1/0/45

    description link proizvodstvo

    switchport mode trunk

    switchport trunk allowed vlan 2-4094

    port-group 2 mode active


    Interface Ethernet1/0/46

    description link proizvodstvo

    switchport mode trunk

    switchport trunk allowed vlan 2-4094

    port-group 2 mode active


    Interface Ethernet1/0/47

    description link servernay

    switchport mode trunk

    switchport trunk allowed vlan 2-4094

    port-group 1 mode passive


    Interface Ethernet1/0/48

    description link servernay

    switchport mode trunk

    switchport trunk allowed vlan 2-4094

    port-group 1 mode passive


    Interface Ethernet1/0/49



    Interface Ethernet1/0/50



    Interface Ethernet1/0/51



    Interface Ethernet1/0/52



    Interface Port-Channel1


    Interface Port-Channel2


    interface Vlan1000

    description managerment

    ip address


    ip route



    no login







    SNR-S2990G-48T Device, Compiled on Aug 26 10:57:58 2016

    sysLocation slio

    CPU Mac f8:f0:82:73:85:e4

    Vlan MAC f8:f0:82:73:85:e3

    SoftWare Version

    BootRom Version 7.1.40

    HardWare Version R01

    CPLD Version N/A

    Serial No.:SW041610EB21000904

    Copyright © 2016 NAG LLC

    All rights reserved

    Last reboot is cold reset.

    Uptime is 1 weeks, 3 days, 23 hours, 38 minutes




    Красный выделены интересующие порты.

    За раннее спасибо всем откликнувшимся!

  4. Добрый день, уже почти два года используем коммутаторы SNR и вполне успешно. Настал момент что захотелось (но в большем потребовалась) начать их кластеризовать подобно Cisco. Доки говорят что этот функционал реализует VSF прошивка и соответственно сама настройка этого VSF. Но как бы не бился с ним - ни чего не выходит. Прошу помощи в осознание данного функционала.

    Пробовал все вариант предложенные в доке, но итог один.

    SNR-S2990G-48T#sh vsf config

    MemberID Priority VSF-Port1 VSF-Port2

    2 32 -- --


    Конфиг vsf_startup.cfg и vsf.cfg в аттаче. Второй свич настроен аналогично за исключением memebr id, domen



