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SE100 + dCLIPS Падает сессия

Привет всем!

Никак не могу наконец-то нормально настроить SE100 для IPoE (Dynamic CLIPS)

Сессия поднимается, скорость нарезается, всё работает отлично, только сессия долго не живёт, и падает по истечении Session time left


Вот моя схема. Я её упростил до невозможности дабы на самой элементарной конфигурации получить рабочий конфиг.

Схема подключения:


WWW ---- SE100 (net15) ---(vid 15)--- L2access switch ----- (DHCP) PC
Bill (LanBilling) + LBinet (DHCP server)


Конфигурация SE100

[local]Redback#show ver

Redback Networks SmartEdge OS Version SEOS-
Built by sysbuild@eussjlx7059.sj.us.am.ericsson.se Wed Apr 10 02:38:40 PDT 2013
(null)System Bootstrap version is PowerPC,rev2.0.1.2
Installed minikernel version is 2.6
Router Up Time -   42 days, 16 hours 46 secs
[local]Redback#show lice
[local]Redback#show licenses
 Software Feature            License Configured
--------------------------    ------------------
subscriber active 8000              YES
subscriber bandwidth 60             YES

Total active subscriber license configured 8000



[local]Redback#show config
Building configuration...

Current configuration:
!  Configuration last changed by user 'root' at Tue Aug 27 20:02:27 2013
aaa global accounting subscriber radius context local
no service multiple-contexts
software license
 subscriber active 8000 encrypted 1 xxx
 subscriber bandwidth 60 encrypted 1 xxx
dpi traffic-management protocol http escape-conversion
context local
no ip domain-lookup
interface INET
 description Int to INET
 ip address
interface LAN
 ip address
interface MGMT
 description Link to MGMT VLAN1
 ip address
  ip source-address radius
interface net15 multibind
 ip address
 dhcp proxy 65535
 ip access-group acl-for-l3-relays-only in
logging console
ip access-list acl-for-l3-relays-only
 seq 10 permit ip host
 seq 20 permit ip host
enable encrypted 1 xxx
aaa authentication administrator local
aaa authentication subscriber radius
aaa accounting subscriber radius
aaa accounting event dhcp
radius accounting server encrypted-key xxxxx
radius coa server encrypted-key xxxxx port 3799
administrator root encrypted 1 xxxxx
radius server encrypted-key xxxxxx
radius max-retries 5
radius timeout 30
radius attribute username encaps clips strip-mac-delimiter
subscriber default
  qos policy policing TARIF-DEFAULT-512K-IN
  qos policy metering TARIF-DEFAULT-512K-OUT
  dhcp max-addrs 1
subscriber profile PROFILE-FOR-TARIF-2M
  qos policy policing TARIF-2M-IN
  qos policy metering TARIF-2M-OUT
subscriber profile PROFILE-FOR-TARIF-1M
  qos policy policing TARIF-1M-IN
  qos policy metering TARIF-1M-OUT
ip route
no service ssh server
service telnet server
dhcp relay option
dhcp relay server
! ** End Context **
logging tdm console
logging active
logging standby short
qos policy TARIF-1M-IN policing
rate 1000 burst 125000
rate-calculation exclude layer-2-overhead
qos policy TARIF-1M-OUT metering
rate 1000 burst 125000
rate-calculation exclude layer-2-overhead
qos policy TARIF-2M-IN policing
rate 2000 burst 250000
rate-calculation exclude layer-2-overhead
qos policy TARIF-2M-OUT metering
rate 2000 burst 250000
rate-calculation exclude layer-2-overhead
qos policy TARIF-DEFAULT-512K-IN policing
rate 512 burst 64000
rate-calculation exclude layer-2-overhead
qos policy TARIF-DEFAULT-512K-OUT metering
rate 512 burst 64000
rate-calculation exclude layer-2-overhead
system clock timezone IRKT 9 0
port ethernet 1/1
! XCRP management port on slot 1
no shutdown
bind interface LAN local
card carrier 2
port ethernet 2/1
no shutdown
medium-type copper
encapsulation dot1q
dot1q pvc 1
 bind interface MGMT local
dot1q pvc 183
 bind interface INET local
port ethernet 2/2
no shutdown
encapsulation dot1q
dot1q pvc 15
 bind interface net15 local
 service clips dhcp context local
no service console-break
service crash-dump-dram
no service auto-system-recovery


Я использую

LANBilling 2.0base Core Server build 006 (May 30 2013 16:26:50), rev #34180


LANBilling 2.0base RADIUS DialUp build 006 (May 30 2013 15:43:22), rev #34180


LANBilling inet agent version 2.0base build 006 (May 30 2013 16:03:54) revision 34180

в качестве DHCP server.


Вот конфига Агент ЛанБиллинга

mysql> select * from agent_options where id=4;
| id | name                 | descr                | value                                         |
|  4 | dhcp-domain-name     | dhcp-domain-name     | ironnet.info                                  |
|  4 | dhcp-identifier      | dhcp-identifier      |                                 |
|  4 | dhcp-lease-time      | dhcp-lease-time      | 120                                           |
|  4 | dhcpd_ip             | dhcpd_ip             |                                 |
|  4 | dhcpd_port           | dhcpd_port           | 67                                            |
|  4 | enable-dhcp-request  | NULL                 | 0                                             |
|  4 | interim_update_time  | NULL                 | 600                                           |
|  4 | last_charge_date     | NULL                 | 2013-02-14                                    |
|  4 | macregex             | NULL                 | /(..)-(..)-(..)-(..)-(..)-(..)/\1\2\3\4\5\6/i |
|  4 | radius-nameserver    | radius-nameserver    |                               |
|  4 | radius-nameserver2   | radius-nameserver2   |                               |
|  4 | radius-uses-lbinet   | NULL                 | 1                                             |
|  4 | radius_auth_method   | NULL                 | opt82                                         |
|  4 | skip-empty-framed-ip | skip-empty-framed-ip | 1                                             |

dhcp-lease-time = 120 сек

при этом Максимальная длительность сессии выставлена на 180 сек.


Что мы имеем в действии:

Начинается сессия

* Прилетает от РС DHCP DISCOVER на SE100

* SE100 его добропорядочно проксирует на сервер Биллинга

* сервер биллинга используя два агента LBarcd - RADIUS и LBInet - DHCP авторизует клиента и выдаёт SE100 ай-пи для абонента

* SE100 успешно запускает сессию и отдаёт ай-пи клиенту

[local]Redback#show subs act
       Session state Up
       Circuit   2/2 vlan-id 15 clips 133308
       Internal Circuit   2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2236
       Interface bound  net15
       Current port-limit unlimited
       Session time left 171
       Protocol Stack IPV4
       dhcp max-addrs 1 (applied)
       dhcp vendor class id MSFT 5.0 (applied)
       dhcp option client id 0x3d070110bf48d9cd32 (applied)
       dhcp option hostname 0x0c084b72697374696e61 (applied)
       timeout absolute 180 (applied)
       acct-interim-interval 600 (applied)
       qos-policing-policy TARIF-DEFAULT-512K-IN (applied from sub_default)
       qos-metering-policy TARIF-DEFAULT-512K-OUT (applied from sub_default)
         IP host entries installed by DHCP: (max_addr 1 cur_entries 1)

Обратите внимание на Session Time.

Он прилетает в ответе RADIUS Server


28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [HandleRadius:65]       >=>=>=>=>=>=>=> Auth Packet received from, size: 300 >=>=>=>=>=>=>=>
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:30]  Authenticator: 6668b20b820d8cc4306c0a19f9653500
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'User-Name', value: "10bf48d9cd32"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Password', value: "3cde187105f7da79ac8ac0e242bdf4fd"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseAttr:79]  User-Password = "Redback"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Service-Type', value: "5"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'NAS-Identifier', value: "Redback"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'NAS-Port', value: "33685504"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'NAS-Real-Port', vendor 2352, value: "570425359"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'NAS-Port-Type', value: "5"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'NAS-Port-Id', value: "841953824"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Medium-Type', vendor 2352, value: "11"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Mac-Addr', vendor 2352, value: "10-bf-48-d9-cd-32"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Platform-Type', vendor 2352, value: "4"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'OS-Version', vendor 2352, value: ""
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Redback-Agent-Remote-Id', vendor 2352, value: "0006c8be19f9e2c0"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 DEBUG       0x7f83514ce700  [ParseAttr:208] HWNAME: "c8be19f9e2c0"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  Unknown VSA 2, vendor 3561, value: "0006c8be19f9e2c0"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Redback-Agent-Circuit-Id', vendor 2352, value: "0004000f000f"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 DEBUG       0x7f83514ce700  [ParseAttr:222] HWPORT: 15
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  Unknown VSA 1, vendor 3561, value: "0004000f000f"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'DHCP-Option', vendor 2352, value: "3d3d070110bf48d9cd32"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'DHCP-Option', vendor 2352, value: "0c0c084b72697374696e61"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'DHCP-Vendor-Class-ID', vendor 2352, value: "MSFT 5.0"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 DEBUG       0x7f83514ce700  [AuthenticateFromDB:506]        Start authenticate from database for login '10bf48d9cd32'
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [TryAuthISG:416]        Trying to authenticate ISG with method 'opt82'
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [TryAuthISGByOpt82:315] Opt82 params: "c8be19f9e2c0", 15
28.08.2013 00:50:07 DEBUG       0x7f83514ce700  [AddService:230]        Service cat_idx=0 enabled=0 service= includes=0 above=0.000000 user_cat=<> lim_in=377851991 lim_out=149509883
28.08.2013 00:50:07 DEBUG       0x7f83514ce700  [AuthenticateFromDB:518]        Auth ISG ok
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [CheckBlackList:750]    ANI '10bf48d9cd32' (User 'user1') is clean
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [AuthenticateFromDB:632]        User 'user1' (vg_id = 15742)
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [AuthenticateFromDB:701]        User: 'user1', bill by traffic, unlimited session timeout (180)
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [GetClientIPAddr:1477]  No IP address specified for login 'user1'. Assume NAS negotiated IP
28.08.2013 00:50:07 INFO        0x7f83514ce700  [RunAuthRequest:495]    Access-Accept, <user1> [15742]
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [RunAuthRequest:498]    =============== Output attributes dump: ===============
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [RunAuthRequest:601]    Attribute 'Session-Timeout', value: "180"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [RunAuthRequest:607]    Attribute 'Service-Type', value: "5"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [RunAuthRequest:630]    Attribute 'Class', value: "00015742"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [RunAuthRequest:683]    Attribute 'Acct-Interim-Interval', value: "600"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [AddAttrs:632]  VSA 'DHCP-Max-Leases', vendor 2352, value: "1"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f83514ce700  [HandleRadius:101]      <=<=<=<=<=<=<=< Authentication answer sent successfully, time: 0.013 <=<=<=<=<=<=<=<
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [HandleRadius:65]       >=>=>=>=>=>=>=> Acct Packet received from, size: 432 >=>=>=>=>=>=>=>
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:30]  Authenticator: e3da8c3a85120f6f1e34d020e94376db
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'User-Name', value: "10bf48d9cd32"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Acct-Status-Type', value: "1"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Acct-Session-Id', value: "0101FFFF780008BD-521D0DBD"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Service-Type', value: "5"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Acct-Update-Reason', vendor 2352, value: "1"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'NAS-Identifier', value: "Redback"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'NAS-Port', value: "33685504"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'NAS-Real-Port', vendor 2352, value: "570425359"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'NAS-Port-Type', value: "5"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'NAS-Port-Id', value: "841953824"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Medium-Type', vendor 2352, value: "11"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Mac-Addr', vendor 2352, value: "10-bf-48-d9-cd-32"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Platform-Type', vendor 2352, value: "4"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'OS-Version', vendor 2352, value: ""
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Redback-Agent-Remote-Id', vendor 2352, value: "0006c8be19f9e2c0"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 DEBUG       0x7f8350acd700  [ParseAttr:208] HWNAME: "c8be19f9e2c0"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Unknown VSA 2, vendor 3561, value: "0006c8be19f9e2c0"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Redback-Agent-Circuit-Id', vendor 2352, value: "0004000f000f"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 DEBUG       0x7f8350acd700  [ParseAttr:222] HWPORT: 15
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Unknown VSA 1, vendor 3561, value: "0004000f000f"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Acct-Authentic', value: "1"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'DHCP-Max-Leases', vendor 2352, value: "1"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'DHCP-Vendor-Class-ID', vendor 2352, value: "MSFT 5.0"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'DHCP-Option', vendor 2352, value: "3d3d070110bf48d9cd32"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'DHCP-Option', vendor 2352, value: "0c0c084b72697374696e61"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Session-Timeout', value: "180"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Class', value: "00015742"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Acct-Interim-Interval', value: "600"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Qos-Policing-Profile-Name', vendor 2352, value: "TARIF-DEFAULT-512K-IN"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Qos-Metering-Profile-Name', vendor 2352, value: "TARIF-DEFAULT-512K-OUT"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Event-Timestamp', value: "1377635774"
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [RunAcctRequest:1775]   Acct-Status-Type = START
28.08.2013 00:50:07 INFO        0x7f8350acd700  [RunAcctRequestInst:1802]       Acct START, Session-Id 0101FFFF780008BD-521D0DBD
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [RunAcctRequestInst:1819]       No record with SessionID = '0101FFFF780008BD-521D0DBD' found in cache, adding new entry
28.08.2013 00:50:07 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [HandleRadius:101]      <=<=<=<=<=<=<=< Accounting answer sent successfully, time: 0.005 <=<=<=<=<=<=<=<
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [HandleRadius:65]       >=>=>=>=>=>=>=> Acct Packet received from, size: 662 >=>=>=>=>=>=>=>
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:30]  Authenticator: 2bede24eb55a01de72c756ac4698b3f3
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'User-Name', value: "10bf48d9cd32"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Acct-Status-Type', value: "3"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Acct-Session-Id', value: "0101FFFF780008BD-521D0DBD"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Service-Type', value: "5"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Acct-Update-Reason', vendor 2352, value: "10"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'NAS-Identifier', value: "Redback"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'NAS-Port', value: "33685504"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'NAS-Real-Port', vendor 2352, value: "570425359"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'NAS-Port-Type', value: "5"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'NAS-Port-Id', value: "841953824"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Medium-Type', vendor 2352, value: "11"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Mac-Addr', vendor 2352, value: "10-bf-48-d9-cd-32"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Platform-Type', vendor 2352, value: "4"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'OS-Version', vendor 2352, value: ""
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Redback-Agent-Remote-Id', vendor 2352, value: "0006c8be19f9e2c0"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 DEBUG       0x7f8350acd700  [ParseAttr:208] HWNAME: "c8be19f9e2c0"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Unknown VSA 2, vendor 3561, value: "0006c8be19f9e2c0"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Redback-Agent-Circuit-Id', vendor 2352, value: "0004000f000f"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 DEBUG       0x7f8350acd700  [ParseAttr:222] HWPORT: 15
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Unknown VSA 1, vendor 3561, value: "0004000f000f"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Acct-Authentic', value: "1"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'DHCP-Max-Leases', vendor 2352, value: "1"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'DHCP-Vendor-Class-ID', vendor 2352, value: "MSFT 5.0"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'DHCP-Option', vendor 2352, value: "3d3d070110bf48d9cd32"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'DHCP-Option', vendor 2352, value: "0c0c084b72697374696e61"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Acct-Session-Time', value: "0"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Acct-Input-Packets', value: "0"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Acct-Output-Packets', value: "0"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Acct-Input-Octets', value: "0"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Acct-Output-Octets', value: "0"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Acct-Input-Gigawords', value: "0"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Acct-Output-Gigawords', value: "0"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Unknown VSA 130, vendor 2352, value: "0000000000000000"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Unknown VSA 131, vendor 2352, value: "0000000000000000"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Unknown VSA 128, vendor 2352, value: "0000000000000000"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Unknown VSA 129, vendor 2352, value: "0000000000000000"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Unknown VSA 149, vendor 2352, value: "00000000"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Unknown VSA 150, vendor 2352, value: "00000000"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Unknown VSA 147, vendor 2352, value: "00000000"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Unknown VSA 148, vendor 2352, value: "00000000"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Unknown VSA 135, vendor 2352, value: "0000000000000000"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Unknown VSA 136, vendor 2352, value: "0000000000000000"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Unknown VSA 133, vendor 2352, value: "0000000000000000"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Unknown VSA 134, vendor 2352, value: "0000000000000000"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Assigned-IP-Address', vendor 2352, value: "" (replaces 'Framed-IP-Address')
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Session-Timeout', value: "180"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Class', value: "00015742"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Acct-Interim-Interval', value: "600"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Qos-Policing-Profile-Name', vendor 2352, value: "TARIF-DEFAULT-512K-IN"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  VSA 'Qos-Metering-Profile-Name', vendor 2352, value: "TARIF-DEFAULT-512K-OUT"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [ParseBody:37]  Attribute 'Event-Timestamp', value: "1377635774"
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [RunAcctRequest:1775]   Acct-Status-Type = UPDATE
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [RunAcctRequestInst:1825]       Record with SessionID = '0101FFFF780008BD-521D0DBD' found in cache
28.08.2013 00:50:08 VERBOSE     0x7f8350acd700  [HandleRadius:101]      <=<=<=<=<=<=<=< Accounting answer sent successfully, time: 0.004 <=<=<=<=<=<=<=<



* у клиента всё начинает работать: инет работать, трафик резаться и прочее.

* тут подходит время отправить со стороны клиента DHCP Request, что мол у меня время аренды заканчивается (оно же 120 секунд всего, меньше чем сама сессия)

* включаем debug dhcp-relay all и смотрим

Прилетает DHCP Request когда уже подходит время


[local]Redback#Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Received pkt from (dest addr
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-PKT: Packet Process handler thread: Process packet
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-OPT: [dhcp_util_parse_options] Found client id option with len 7 type 1
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-OPT: [dhcp_util_parse_options] Found hostname option with len 8 hostname Kristina
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-OPT: [dhcp_util_parse_dhcp_relay_opt] Trying to parse option 82
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-OPT: [dhcp_util_parse_dhcp_relay_opt] Found RAI sub-opt 1 with len 6 and value 0004000f000f
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-OPT: [dhcp_util_parse_dhcp_relay_opt] Found RAI sub-opt 2 with len 8 and value 0006c8be19f9e2c0
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-OPT: [dhcp_util_parse_options] is_dhcp_pkt: Yes, msg_type: 3
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: >> Received DHCP REQUEST (len 320) from src, mac 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32

  0    01 01 06 00 a8 98 d8 2d 00 00 00 00 1f 86 2f e5
 16    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 bf 48 d9
 32    cd 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 48    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

 64    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 80    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 96    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
112    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

128    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
144    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
160    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
176    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

192    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
208    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
224    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 63 82 53 63
240    35 01 03 3d 07 01 10 bf 48 d9 cd 32 0c 08 4b 72

256    69 73 74 69 6e 61 51 0b 00 00 00 4b 72 69 73 74
272    69 6e 61 3c 08 4d 53 46 54 20 35 2e 30 37 0c 01
288    0f 03 06 2c 2e 2f 1f 21 79 f9 2b 52 12 01 06 00
304    04 00 0f 00 0f 02 08 00 06 c8 be 19 f9 e2 c0 ff

Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-GEN: Found mac cct entry for mac 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32 giaddr
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0000]: %DHCP-7-TIMER: Starting DHCP_PENDING_TIMER timer for 30 seconds; mac 00:00:00:00:00:00
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Inserted dhcp request with MAC 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32 on cct
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Process: DHCP REQUEST packet
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Received: DISCOVER cnt: 0, REQUEST cnt: 1
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Option 82 present the client: 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32 dhcp pkt
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Send DHCP pkt to server IP address in context 0x40080001 for client on circuit 2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239, pkt_len: 320
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT_DUMP: Sending out DHCP packet with options:

  0    63 82 53 63 35 01 03 3d 07 01 10 bf 48 d9 cd 32
 16    0c 08 4b 72 69 73 74 69 6e 61 51 0b 00 00 00 4b
 32    72 69 73 74 69 6e 61 3c 08 4d 53 46 54 20 35 2e
 48    30 37 0c 01 0f 03 06 2c 2e 2f 1f 21 79 f9 2b 52

Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-GEN: [dhcp_pkt_packet_process_handler] Freeing DHCP pkt
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/1:511:63:31/1/2/10]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Received pkt from (dest addr
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-PKT: Packet Process handler thread: Process packet
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-OPT: [dhcp_util_parse_dhcp_relay_opt] Trying to parse option 82
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-OPT: [dhcp_util_parse_dhcp_relay_opt] Found RAI sub-opt 1 with len 6 and value 0004000f000f
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-OPT: [dhcp_util_parse_dhcp_relay_opt] Found RAI sub-opt 2 with len 8 and value 0006c8be19f9e2c0
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-OPT: [dhcp_util_parse_options] is_dhcp_pkt: Yes, msg_type: 5
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/1:511:63:31/1/2/10]: %DHCP-7-PKT: >> Received DHCP ACK (len 318) from src, mac 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-GEN: Found mac cct entry for mac 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32 giaddr
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Received reply: found DHCP ACK for client with MAC 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32 on cct packet length 318
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Processing other
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Received reply for client on: ifgrid 0x1000001d, type 0x2
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Received DHCP packet from server with options:

  0    63 82 53 63 01 04 ff ff ff f8 03 04 1f 86 2f e1
 16    06 08 b2 d4 b7 f4 b2 d4 b7 fe 0f 0c 69 72 6f 6e
 32    6e 65 74 2e 69 6e 66 6f 33 04 00 00 00 78 35 01
 48    05 36 04 c0 a8 6f 03 39 02 05 78 52 12 01 06 00

 64    04 00 0f 00 0f 02 08 00 06 c8 be 19 f9 e2 c0 ff

Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Option: server id received as
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Proxy: Option 54 found: reset to
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-OPT: Made agent-id of relay option 82: 2/2 vlan-id 15, len: 14
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Option 82 is different, did not remove
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: DHCP Lease time is 120 seconds
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-TIMER: Stopping DHCP_PENDING_TIMER timer; mac 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Process reply for mac 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32  ip  create time: Tue Aug 27 20:45:27 2013
, lease 120
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Process entry lookup:  exist, no mismatch
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Found IP node for, lease 120
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: IP address and mac entry exists: update file
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-FILE: Update entry: ip
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-FILE: Enqueued msg (opn: 2) to active dhelperd
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-FILE: ipc ep for standby not valid
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-FILE: Update existing file record for mac:10:bf:48:d9:cd:32, ip:, lease time: 120
Aug 27 20:45:27: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-OPT: Deleting cached request from MAC 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-TIMER: Stopping DHCP_PENDING_TIMER timer; mac 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: siaddr set to
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT:  giaddr received as
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Saved packet (len 318) for client: 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32 to sent later
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-IPC: Received msg 3 from dhelperd with length 60
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-DHELPER: Received UPDATE resp for mac: 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32, resp_code: 1, page: 1858/0, cct info (slot = 1, port = 1 channel 65535, level 2, encap 0x1014400, session id 0, dot1q_pvc 15, dot1q_inner_pvc 0, vpi 0, vci 0), giaddr
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-GEN: Found mac cct entry for mac 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32 giaddr
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-TIMER: Starting DHCP_LEASE_EXP_TIMER timer for 120 seconds; mac 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-GEN: dhcp_pkt_send_pkt_to_client: process sending packet on cct for IP pkt_len:318
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: Broadcast bit is not set.
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT:  << Send DHCP response (DHCP ACK) (raw) to client in context 0x40080001 on circuit 2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239 for MAC 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32, IP address, pkt len 318, as using source address, pkt giaddr: 0.0
Aug 27 20:45:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: [dhcp_pkt_send_raw_to_client] Sent server response of length (364) to MAC 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32(src MAC 00:30:88:1c:5e:fd)

  0    02 01 06 00 a8 98 d8 2d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 16    1f 86 2f e5 c0 a8 6f 03 00 00 00 00 10 bf 48 d9
 32    cd 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 48    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

 64    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 80    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 96    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
112    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

128    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
144    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
160    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
176    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

192    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
208    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
224    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 63 82 53 63
240    01 04 ff ff ff f8 03 04 1f 86 2f e1 06 08 b2 d4

256    b7 f4 b2 d4 b7 fe 0f 0c 69 72 6f 6e 6e 65 74 2e
272    69 6e 66 6f 33 04 00 00 00 78 35 01 05 36 04 1f
288    86 2f e1 39 02 05 78 52 12 01 06 00 04 00 0f 00
304    0f 02 08 00 06 c8 be 19 f9 e2 c0 ff 00 00

Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-GEN: Process ip-mac node: free client packet.
Aug 27 20:45:27: %DHCP-7-GEN: [dhcp_util_release_ip_mac_node_pkt] Freeing DHCP pkt




Таймаут сессии не обновился

[local]Redback#show subs act
       Session state Up
       Circuit   2/2 vlan-id 15 clips 133311
       Internal Circuit   2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239
       Interface bound  net15
       Current port-limit unlimited
       Session time left 85
       Protocol Stack IPV4
       dhcp max-addrs 1 (applied)
       dhcp vendor class id MSFT 5.0 (applied)
       dhcp option client id 0x3d070110bf48d9cd32 (applied)
       dhcp option hostname 0x0c084b72697374696e61 (applied)
       timeout absolute 180 (applied)
       acct-interim-interval 600 (applied)
       qos-policing-policy TARIF-DEFAULT-512K-IN (applied from sub_default)
       qos-metering-policy TARIF-DEFAULT-512K-OUT (applied from sub_default)
         IP host entries installed by DHCP: (max_addr 1 cur_entries 1)

И сессия продолжает умирать и умирает до конца


[local]Redback#Aug 27 20:47:27: %DHCP-7-IPC: Received IPC command 0xd4d with length 80
Aug 27 20:47:27: %DHCP-7-IPC: IPC MSG Q Thread woken up, Q count: 0
Aug 27 20:47:27: [0001]: %DHCP-7-ISM: Interface 0x1000001d : event Interface STATE (0x1), sub event  (0x20)
Aug 27 20:47:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-ISM: Unbind cct
Aug 27 20:47:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-GEN: Delete circuit: ifgrid 0x1000001d, entry delete not set,  save iphost set .
Aug 27 20:47:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-GEN: Save iphosts on cct, slot 1 port 1 channel 65535 level 2 to cct-cfg tree
Aug 27 20:47:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-GEN: Save iphost on cct cfg tree: ip  mac 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32, clips entry: TRUE, flags: 0x403805
Aug 27 20:47:27: %DHCP-7-GEN: Add cct entry to cct-wait tree: slot 1  port 1  channel 65535  level 2, encap 0x1014400 dot1q_pvc 15 dot1q_inner_pvc 0 vpi 0  vci 0, ip o_giaddr: lease 120, mac 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32, flags 0xb, file page active:1859/0 sta
Aug 27 20:47:27: %DHCP-7-GEN: Add cct entry to cct-wait tree: level: 2, encaps[0]: 0x0encaps[1]: 0x1014400, encaps[2]: 0x0
Aug 27 20:47:27: %DHCP-7-GEN: Adding: record to cct-cfg tree for
Aug 27 20:47:27: %DHCP-7-GEN: Start cct-cfg timer: IP:, mac 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32  create_time Tue Aug 27 20:47:27 2013
, lease time 120  current time Tue Aug 27 20:47:27 2013
:  starting timer.
Aug 27 20:47:27: %DHCP-7-GEN: Start cct-cfg timer: IP:, mac 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32  create_time: 1377636387, curr_time: 1377636447
Aug 27 20:47:27: %DHCP-7-TIMER: Starting DHCP_CCT_CFG_LEASE_EXPIRY_TIMER timer for 60 seconds; mac 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32
Aug 27 20:47:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-GEN: Delete ip-mac node: delete ALL iphost entry
Aug 27 20:47:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-GEN: Delete ip-mac node: ip  mac 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32, iphost: do not send,
Aug 27 20:47:27: [0001]: %DHCP-7-GEN: RTN Delete ip node: context 0x40080001: success.
Aug 27 20:47:27: [0001]: %DHCP-7-GEN: Delete ip node: context 0x40080001: success.
Aug 27 20:47:27: %DHCP-7-GEN: Deleted mac cct node for mac 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32
Aug 27 20:47:27: %DHCP-7-GEN: Deleted mac node for mac 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32
Aug 27 20:47:27: %DHCP-7-TIMER: Stopping DHCP_LEASE_EXP_TIMER timer; mac 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32
Aug 27 20:47:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-GEN: Delete ip-mac node: Flush.
Aug 27 20:47:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-PKT: [dhcp_util_delete_ip_mac_entry]: Decremented disc cnt to 0
Aug 27 20:47:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-GEN: Delete ip-mac node: freed iphost on cct.
Aug 27 20:47:27: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-GEN: UnBinding: cct 2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239 from ifgrid 0x1000001d.
Aug 27 20:47:27: %DHCP-7-GEN: dhcp_cct_on_if_node_free: free 0x42686420
Aug 27 20:47:28: %DHCP-7-IPC: Received IPC command 0xd4d with length 448
Aug 27 20:47:28: %DHCP-7-IPC: IPC MSG Q Thread woken up, Q count: 0
Aug 27 20:47:28: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-ISM: [dhcp_ism_process_cct_events] Received ISM event (0x5) Circuit STATE, sub event (0x4) Circuit DEL for context 0x0
Aug 27 20:47:28: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-ISM: circuit term cause 143
Aug 27 20:47:28: [0000]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-CLIPS: [dhcp_ism_process_clips_cct_delete] Clips CCT DELETE for mac_addr: 10:bf:48:d9:cd:32
Aug 27 20:47:28: [0000]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-GEN: Delete circuit: ifgrid 0x0, entry delete set,  save iphost set .
Aug 27 20:47:28: [0000]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-GEN: Save iphosts on cct, slot 1 port 1 channel 65535 level 2 to cct-cfg tree
Aug 27 20:47:28: [0000]: [2/2:511:63:31/7/2/2239]: %DHCP-7-GEN: Delete ip-mac node: delete ALL iphost entry
Aug 27 20:47:28: %DHCP-7-GEN: dhcp_cct_node_free: free 0x42686310
Aug 27 20:47:28: %DHCP-7-GEN: dhcp_cct_node_free: free 0x42686310: not referenced, free cct node 0x42686310
Aug 27 20:47:28: [2/2:511:63:31/1/2/13]: %DHCP-7-ISM: [dhcp_ism_process_cct_events] Received ISM event (0x6) Circuit Config CHANGE, sub event (0x10) Circuit 1QCFG for context 0x40080001
Aug 27 20:47:28: [2/2:511:63:31/1/2/13]: %DHCP-7-ISM: cct is NOT configured as subscriber cct.
Aug 27 20:47:28: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/1/2/13]: %DHCP-7-ISM: Received cct config event 0x6, sub event 0x10 for slot/port/channel:1/1/65535, level 2, encap type (0x1000400): ether-dot1q.
Aug 27 20:47:28: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/1/2/13]: %DHCP-7-ISM: dynamic CLIPS enabled on cct
Aug 27 20:47:28: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/1/2/13]: %DHCP-7-ISM: CLIPS Relay Disabled on cct
Aug 27 20:47:28: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/1/2/13]: %DHCP-7-ISM: Received cct config event 0x6, sub event 0x10 for slot/port/channel:1/1/65535, level 2, encap type (0x1000400): ether-dot1q vlan_id 0xf inner_vlan_id 0x0 ethertype 0x8100 dot1q_flags 0x0.
Aug 27 20:47:28: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/1/2/13]: %DHCP-7-GEN: [dhcp_util_mark_all_iphosts_in_cct_cfg_unstale] Walking cct-cfg tree for cct, with key: (slot = 1, port = 1 channel 65535, level 2, encap 0x1000400, session id 0, dot1q_pvc 15, dot1q_inner_pvc 0, vpi 0,  vci 0)
Aug 27 20:47:28: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/1/2/13]: %DHCP-7-GEN: dhcp_util_mark_all_iphosts_in_cct_cfg_unstale: Start walking through cct_sav_cfg_tree_head.
Aug 27 20:47:28: [0001]: [2/2:511:63:31/1/2/13]: %DHCP-7-GEN: dhcp_util_mark_all_iphosts_in_cct_cfg_unstale: End walking through cct_sav_cfg_tree_head.




Курение документации по SEOS пока ничего не дало. Не могу там найти механизм поддержания сессия. Благодаря чему она должна обновляться? Если благодаря DHCP Request-ам со сторона клиента , который отсылает их по истечении leased-time, то почему в такой простой схеме оно не работает? Не могу понять. Может что-то ещё отдебажить надо. По статистике show dhcp relay stats вот что


[local]Redback#show dhcp relay stats detail

Current time: Tue Aug 27 20:57:44 2013
Last cleared: Tue Aug 27 19:41:12 2013

Packets Received      : 224               Packets Relayed       : 186

Packet received-----------------------------------------------------
DHCP Discover         : 18                DHCP Offer            : 18
DHCP Request          : 58                DHCP Decline          : 0
DHCP Ack              : 58                DHCP Nack             : 0
DHCP Release          : 0

Packet Sent---------------------------------------------------------
DHCP Discover         : 18                DHCP Offer            : 18
DHCP Request          : 58                DHCP Decline          : 0
DHCP Ack              : 58                DHCP Nack             : 2
DHCP Release          : 0                 Unknown Packet        : 34
BOOTP Request         : 0                 BOOTP Reply           : 0
Tx server error       : 0                 Tx client error       : 0

Split Lease--------------------------------------------------------
Request handled       : 0                 Ack sent              : 0
Lease misconfiguration: 0                 Renewal failed        : 0
No server id for ack  : 0                 No subnet mask for ack: 0
Sub lease timer expiry: 0


Dropped packets-----------------------------------------------------
Bad Ack               : 0                 Internal Error        : 0
Bad Length            : 0                 Bad Circuit           : 0
Bad Circuit UP        : 0                 Bad Circuit Kern      : 0
Bad Circuit EOF       : 0                 Bad Circuit slot      : 0
Bad Context           : 0                 Bad Server IP         : 0
No Server             : 0                 No Interface          : 0
Unbound Circuit       : 0                 Disabled Interface    : 0
Min Wait Error        : 0                 Max Hops Error        : 0
Bad IP                : 0                 Unknown Packet Type   : 34
Dropped Discover      : 0                 Dropped Request       : 0
Dropped Offer         : 0                 Dropped Ack           : 0
Dropped Release       : 0
del_pending_dropped   : 0                 EP Down               : 0
Error in Options      : 0                 max-addr dropped      : 0
non-clips mac         : 0                 Invalid mac-addr      : 0
MAC entry not found   : 0                 Dup cct-cfg entry     : 2
Mismatch ip/mac       : 0                 No renewal marked     : 0
Dropped invalid server: 0                 Bcast/Mcast mac       : 0
Context  not found    : 0                 Interface not found   : 0
Circuit not found     : 0                 Request entry not found: 0
Drop dup disc/del req : 0                 Drop dup discover     : 0
Throttle dropped disc : 0

Server timeout        : 0                 Del Req               : 110
Lease timer exp       : 0                 cfg lease exp         : 16
Timer started         : 223               Timer start failed    : 0
Timer stopped         : 223

IPH ADD sent          : 18                IPH DEL Sent          : 0
cct-cfg ADD sent      : 0                 cct-cfg DEL sent      : 18
IPH Reject rcvd       : 0                 Pending Del sent      : 0

clips msg add         : 18                clips msg del         : 0
clips msg enq         : 18                clips throttle        : 0
clips resp msg        : 0                 clips del on resp     : 0
clips cct del mrk     : 0                 clips cct del         : 0
clips delete resp     : 0

IPH Add Rcvd          : 18                IPH Del Rcvd          : 0
ism cct create        : 18                ism cct delete        : 19
ism cct up            : 18                ism cct down          : 17
ism cct bind          : 18                ism cct unbind        : 19
dhcp_cct_del          : 19                IPH ADD matched       : 18
ism if create         : 0                 ism if delete         : 0
ism if down           : 0                 ism if up             : 0
ism port down         : 0                 ism port delete       : 0
ism clips group down  : 0                 ism clips group up    : 0
ism clips group delete: 0                 ism throttle hit      : 0

Interface Stale Processing:
Create Stale Mark    : 0                  Create Stale Clear   : 0
Up Stale Mark        : 0                  Up Stale Clear       : 0
Bind Stale Mark      : 0                  Bind Stale Clear     : 0
I/F Bind Stale       : 0                  I/F Up Stale         : 0
I/F Create Stale     : 0

Circuit Stale Processing:
Create Stale Mark    : 0                  Create Stale Clear   : 0
Up Stale Mark        : 0                  Up Stale Clear       : 0
Bind Stale Mark      : 0                  Bind Stale Clear     : 0
Cct Bind Stale       : 0                  Cct Up Stale         : 0
Cct Create Stale     : 0

Router id add sent    : 0                 Router id del sent    : 0
Router id add failed  : 0                 Router id del failed  : 0

Input pack Q full (packet drops):: 0
Input pack Q (enqueued) count:: 224
Input pack Q (dequeued) count:: 224

Recovery Signalled count:: 0
Packet Receive Blocked count:: 0
Packet Processing Blocked count:: 0




Куда копать, уже ума не приложу. Бьюсь над этими сессия уже 2-ю неделю.

Изменено пользователем ArhAngel_John

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Обновление сессии происходит unicast. Возможно вы в admin access list не разрешили абонентам обращаться к роутеру на udp 67. Лиза заканчивается, сессия падает, клиент переходит в состояние init и отправляет dhcp discover broadcast и он уже попадает на se100.

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Обновление сессии происходит unicast. Возможно вы в admin access list не разрешили абонентам обращаться к роутеру на udp 67. Лиза заканчивается, сессия падает, клиент переходит в состояние init и отправляет dhcp discover broadcast и он уже попадает на se100.

В логах видно что юникаст с реквестом от абонента приходит на СЕ.

смотрите логи под спойлером

Прилетает DHCP Request когда уже подходит время

и без ACL на клиентском интерфейсе происходит тоже самое

Изменено пользователем ArhAngel_John

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Может быть потому что нет у лицензии на subscriber dynamic-service ?

[local]Redback#show licenses al
[local]Redback#show licenses all 
 Software Feature            License Configured
--------------------------    ------------------
subscriber dynamic-service          NO
l2tp                                NO
mpls                                NO
subscriber high-availability        NO
subscriber active 8000              YES
subscriber bandwidth 60             YES
media-gateway multimedia            NO
media-gateway calls                 NO
ipv6                                NO
multicast-routing                   NO
subscriber active ipv6              NO
ces                                 NO
all-ports                           NO
nat enhanced                        NO
media-gateway msrp                  NO
media-gateway srtp                  NO
eps sgw                             NO
eps combined-gw                     NO
eps pgw                             NO
eps gn-gp                           NO
eps charging offline cdr            NO
eps charging offline rf             NO
eps gx                              NO

Total active subscriber license configured 8000 


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Тогда вопрос:

а время жизни сессии в SE вообще должно обновляться? Или всё-таки сессия рано или поздно всё равно умрёт?

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Сделал в настройках LBarcd

Максимальная длительность сессии (сек): 0


Теперь в Access-Accept передаётся


06.09.2013 12:33:44 VERBOSE     0x7f9cfd7fb700  [RunAuthRequest:498]    =============== Output attributes dump: ===============
06.09.2013 12:33:44 VERBOSE     0x7f9cfd7fb700  [RunAuthRequest:601]    Attribute 'Session-Timeout', value: "0"
06.09.2013 12:33:44 VERBOSE     0x7f9cfd7fb700  [RunAuthRequest:607]    Attribute 'Service-Type', value: "5"
06.09.2013 12:33:44 VERBOSE     0x7f9cfd7fb700  [RunAuthRequest:622]    VSA 'Assigned-IP-Address', vendor 2352, value: "" (replaces 'Framed-IP-Address')
06.09.2013 12:33:44 VERBOSE     0x7f9cfd7fb700  [RunAuthRequest:630]    Attribute 'Class', value: "00015864"
06.09.2013 12:33:44 VERBOSE     0x7f9cfd7fb700  [RunAuthRequest:633]    Attribute 'Tunnel-Private-Group-ID', value: "15"
06.09.2013 12:33:44 VERBOSE     0x7f9cfd7fb700  [RunAuthRequest:683]    Attribute 'Acct-Interim-Interval', value: "600"
06.09.2013 12:33:44 VERBOSE     0x7f9cfd7fb700  [AddAttrs:632]  VSA 'DHCP-Max-Leases', vendor 2352, value: "1"
06.09.2013 12:33:44 VERBOSE     0x7f9cfd7fb700  [AddAttrs:632]  VSA 'IP-Interface-Name', vendor 2352, value: "CLIENTS"
06.09.2013 12:33:44 VERBOSE     0x7f9cfd7fb700  [HandleRadius:101]      <=<=<=<=<=<=<=< Authentication answer sent successfully, time: 0.012 <=<=<=<=<=<=<=<


[local]Redback#show subs act
       Session state Up
       Circuit   2/2 clips 131141
       Internal Circuit   2/2:511:63:31/7/2/69
       Interface bound  CLIENTS
       Current port-limit unlimited
       Protocol Stack IPV4
       dhcp max-addrs 1 (applied)
       dhcp vendor class id MSFT 5.0 (applied)
       dhcp option client id 0x3d070110bf48d9cd32 (applied)
       dhcp option hostname 0x0c084b72697374696e61 (applied)
       timeout absolute 0 (applied)
       acct-interim-interval 600 (applied)
       qos-policing-policy TARIF-DEFAULT-512K-IN (applied from sub_default)
       qos-metering-policy TARIF-DEFAULT-512K-OUT (applied from sub_default)
         IP host entries installed by DHCP: (max_addr 1 cur_entries 1)


И сессия живёт до тех пока не придёт disconnect по CoA, либо не закончиться ttl в привязке DHCP Proxy. (show dhcp relay hosts)

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