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Perl script для проверки работоспособности потоков Icecast

Необходимо мониторить работоспособность аудио-потоков с Icecast сервера. Нашел вот такой пример, но он похоже, что не совместим с последними версиями Icecast :(


# Try to connect to an Icecast server. 
# Optionally, specify stream mountpoints to make sure they're 
# currently mounted. 
# To accomplish this, just pass the mountpoints after the hostname 
# using a colon after the hostname and a comma to delimit mountpoints. 
# Example:    neptune:/seattletech,/seattletech-56k,/bdean,/drzzzzz 
# Outputs hostname:<mountpoint> on failures, or prepends an '*' to the 
# hostname to indicate an inability to contact the icecast host in 
# general. 
# Example: 
#    neptune:/seattletech   (mountpoint is not mounted on server neptune) 
#    *neptune               (icecast server on neptune is not responding) 
# Written by Mark Rushing - rushing@orbislumen.net 
# icecast.monitor 0.2   13-Jun-2001 
# Copyright (C) 2001, Mark Rushing 
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 
#   (at your option) any later version. 
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
#   GNU General Public License for more details. 
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
#   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA 

use IO::Socket; 
use Getopt::Std; 

$ICport        = "$opt_p" || 8000; 
$ICtimeout    = "$opt_t" || 30; 
$ICadmin    = "$opt_u" || "ADMIN"; 
$ICpasswd    = "$opt_P"; 

foreach $ICarg (@ARGV) { 

  # Separate hostname from stream mountpoints. 
  ($IChost, $ICstreams) = split /:/, $ICarg, 2; 

  # Create socket connection to hostname. 
  ## Don't bother checking streams if failed. 
  if (!openIcecastSock($IChost)) { 
    push(@failed, "\*$IChost"); 

  # Don't bother checking streams if none given. 
  if (!$ICstreams) { 
    close $ICsock; 

  eval { 
    # Check streams on connected host. 
    ## Log into server. 
    local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Command Timeout" }; 
    alarm $ICtimeout; 
    print $ICsock "$ICadmin $ICpasswd\n\n"; 
    while ( <$ICsock> ) { 
      last if /^OK/; 
      if (/ERROR - Bad Password/) { 
    push(@failed, "$IChost\:Bad Password"); 
    next ICHOST; 
    ## Get stream data. 
    @mountedStreams = (); 
    print $ICsock "sources\n"; 
    while (<$ICsock>) { 
      last if /^End of source listing/; 
      if (s/.*\[Mountpoint: (\S+)\].*\n/$1/) { 
    push(@mountedStreams, $_); 
    print $ICsock "quit Mon signoff\n"; 
    close $ICsock; 
    alarm 0; 

  if ($@) { 
    push(@failed, "$IChost\:$@"); 

  # Figure if monitored streams are actually mounted 
  @checkStream = split /,/, $ICstreams; 
  foreach $stream (@checkStream) { 
    push(@failed, "$IChost\:$stream") if (!grep /^$stream/, @mountedStreams) 


if (scalar(@failed)) { 
  print "@failed\n"; 
  exit 1; 

exit 0; 

sub openIcecastSock { 
  my $IChost = $_[0]; 
  $ICsock = new IO::Socket::INET ( 
                  PeerAddr => $IChost , 
                  PeerPort => $ICport , 
                  Proto    => "tcp" , 
                  Timeout  => $ICtimeout , 
  ( return 0 ) unless $ICsock; 
  return 1; 


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Неужели только у меня есть такая задача? :(

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