v.petrenko Posted May 25, 2023 · Report post Решили переходить от STP в сторону VPLS. Первые тесты по переходу шли нормально, на днях столкнулся с проблемой - при создании нового VSI и добавление в него VLAN, на линках появляется лишний трафик(https://disk.yandex.ru/i/81hQcXiKXM0n0A). Так же был замечен флап маков в данном VSI, выглядело это примерно так https://disk.yandex.ru/i/j3p4VpfBJGEHPw - время между командами около секунды. Прошивка: dis ver Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software VRP (R) software, Version 5.170 (S6720 V200R019C00SPC500) Copyright (C) 2000-2019 HUAWEI TECH Co., Ltd. HUAWEI S6720-50L-HI-48S Routing Switch uptime is 1 week, 2 days, 7 hours, 17 minutes CEM48S4Q2CQP01 0(Master) : uptime is 1 week, 2 days, 7 hours, 15 minutes DDR Memory Size : 2048 M bytes FLASH Total Memory Size : 1024 M bytes FLASH Available Memory Size : 624 M bytes Pcb Version : VER.C BootROM Version : 0213.0000 BootLoad Version : 0213.0000 CPLD Version : 0105 Software Version : VRP (R) Software, Version 5.170 (V200R019C00SPC500) FLASH Version : 0000.0000 PWR1 information Pcb Version : PWR VER.A PWR2 information Pcb Version : PWR VER.A FAN1 information Pcb Version : NA FAN2 information Pcb Version : NA Конфиг: !Software Version V200R019C00SPC500 # sysname sw-core-17 # vcmp role silent # vlan batch 2 5 to 6 8 to 10 17 20 to 24 27 to 39 75 to 78 99 to 104 107 to 109 112 to 115 vlan batch 117 to 121 124 to 125 127 to 134 137 to 138 140 142 145 to 147 149 to 158 160 to 161 163 to 165 vlan batch 167 to 170 172 to 185 188 to 194 196 to 199 201 to 202 205 207 to 211 213 to 228 230 to 232 235 to 237 vlan batch 240 to 242 251 to 253 255 to 258 270 to 271 304 to 305 362 389 to 390 397 to 398 400 to 405 413 to 414 vlan batch 450 497 to 599 602 615 to 619 631 682 701 to 705 719 777 to 779 800 vlan batch 806 814 851 885 1000 1007 to 1008 1210 to 1212 1524 1653 2000 to 2015 vlan batch 2123 2467 3113 3118 to 3119 3293 3512 to 3516 3532 to 3533 3575 4094 # loopback-detect packet-interval 30 # stp instance 0 priority 12288 stp instance 1 priority 12288 stp instance 4 priority 4096 stp instance 5 priority 4096 stp instance 6 priority 4096 stp instance 15 priority 0 stp instance 16 priority 0 stp instance 17 priority 0 stp instance 61 priority 8192 stp instance 62 priority 8192 stp instance 63 priority 8192 stp instance 64 priority 8192 stp timer hello 400 stp timer forward-delay 1800 stp timer max-age 2800 # # igmp-snooping enable # lldp message-transmission interval 240 lldp message-transmission delay 60 # stp region-configuration region-name RING-1 instance 1 vlan 157 to 158 615 to 618 instance 4 vlan 805 3515 instance 5 vlan 1524 1653 2466 instance 6 vlan 104 137 to 138 149 instance 15 vlan 500 to 599 instance 16 vlan 800 instance 17 vlan 255 2000 to 2015 instance 61 vlan 402 instance 62 vlan 403 instance 63 vlan 404 instance 64 vlan 405 active region-configuration # radius-server template default # mpls lsr-id mpls # mpls l2vpn # vsi vlan165 bgp-ad vpls-id 165:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity # vsi vlan142 bgp-ad vpls-id 142:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity # vsi vlan214 bgp-ad vpls-id 214:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity # vsi vlan125 bgp-ad vpls-id 125:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 65535 # vsi vlan524 bgp-ad vpls-id 524:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 # vsi vlan30 bgp-ad vpls-id 30:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 65535 # vsi vlan579 bgp-ad vpls-id 579:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 65535 # vsi vlan101 bgp-ad vpls-id 101:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 12288 # vsi vlan124 bgp-ad vpls-id 124:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 12288 # vsi vlan3118 bgp-ad vpls-id 3118:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 12288 # vsi vlan28 bgp-ad vpls-id 28:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 12288 # vsi vlan31 bgp-ad vpls-id 31:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 12288 # vsi vlan33 bgp-ad vpls-id 33:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 12288 # vsi vlan36 bgp-ad vpls-id 36:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 12288 # vsi vlan502 bgp-ad vpls-id 502:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 12288 # vsi vlan29 bgp-ad vpls-id 29:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity # vsi vlan129 bgp-ad vpls-id 129:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 # vsi vlan145 bgp-ad vpls-id 145:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 # vsi vlan156 bgp-ad vpls-id 156:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 # vsi vlan177 bgp-ad vpls-id 177:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 # vsi vlan3512 bgp-ad vpls-id 3512:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 # vsi vlan583 bgp-ad vpls-id 583:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 # vsi vlan77 bgp-ad vpls-id 77:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 # vsi vlan550 bgp-ad vpls-id 550:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 # vsi vlan193 bgp-ad vpls-id 193:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 # vsi vlan500 bgp-ad vpls-id 500:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 # vsi vlan504 bgp-ad vpls-id 504:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 # vsi vlan520 bgp-ad vpls-id 520:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 # vsi vlan553 bgp-ad vpls-id 553:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 # vsi vlan554 bgp-ad vpls-id 554:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 # vsi vlan555 bgp-ad vpls-id 555:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 # vsi vlan521 bgp-ad vpls-id 521:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 # vsi vlan405 bgp-ad vpls-id 405:1 vpn-target 111:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 111:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 # mpls ldp # # interface Vlanif28 l2 binding vsi vlan28 # interface Vlanif29 l2 binding vsi vlan29 # interface Vlanif30 l2 binding vsi vlan30 # interface Vlanif31 l2 binding vsi vlan31 # interface Vlanif33 l2 binding vsi vlan33 # interface Vlanif36 l2 binding vsi vlan36 # interface Vlanif38 ip address # interface Vlanif77 l2 binding vsi vlan77 # interface Vlanif101 l2 binding vsi vlan101 # interface Vlanif124 l2 binding vsi vlan124 # interface Vlanif125 l2 binding vsi vlan125 # interface Vlanif129 l2 binding vsi vlan129 # interface Vlanif142 l2 binding vsi vlan142 # interface Vlanif145 l2 binding vsi vlan145 # interface Vlanif156 l2 binding vsi vlan156 # interface Vlanif165 l2 binding vsi vlan165 # interface Vlanif177 l2 binding vsi vlan177 # interface Vlanif193 l2 binding vsi vlan193 # interface Vlanif214 l2 binding vsi vlan214 # interface Vlanif405 l2 binding vsi vlan405 # interface Vlanif500 l2 binding vsi vlan500 # interface Vlanif502 l2 binding vsi vlan502 # interface Vlanif504 l2 binding vsi vlan504 # interface Vlanif520 l2 binding vsi vlan520 # interface Vlanif521 l2 binding vsi vlan521 # interface Vlanif524 shutdown # interface Vlanif550 l2 binding vsi vlan550 # interface Vlanif553 l2 binding vsi vlan553 # interface Vlanif554 l2 binding vsi vlan554 # interface Vlanif555 l2 binding vsi vlan555 # interface Vlanif579 l2 binding vsi vlan579 # interface Vlanif583 l2 binding vsi vlan583 # interface Vlanif800 ip address mpls mpls ldp # interface Vlanif806 ip address mpls mpls ldp # interface Vlanif814 ip address mpls mpls ldp # interface Vlanif3118 l2 binding vsi vlan3118 # interface Vlanif3512 l2 binding vsi vlan3512 # interface MEth0/0/1 # interface Eth-Trunk2 port link-type trunk undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 2 to 28 30 to 76 78 to 128 130 to 144 146 to 149 151 to 155 157 to 176 178 to 192 194 to 404 406 to 499 port trunk allow-pass vlan 501 to 503 505 to 519 522 to 549 551 to 552 556 to 582 584 to 813 815 to 3511 3513 to 4094 mode lacp jumboframe enable 12288 # interface Eth-Trunk3 port link-type trunk undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 400 to 405 stp disable mode lacp jumboframe enable 12288 # interface Eth-Trunk5 port link-type hybrid undo port hybrid vlan 1 port hybrid tagged vlan 2 8 to 9 37 99 to 100 103 164 252 to 253 2000 to 2007 2015 stp disable mode lacp jumboframe enable 12288 # interface Eth-Trunk5.500 qinq stacking vid 2619 pe-vid 500 l2 binding vsi vlan500 # interface Eth-Trunk5.504 qinq stacking vid 3552 to 3579 pe-vid 504 l2 binding vsi vlan504 # interface Eth-Trunk6 port link-type trunk undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 2 to 28 30 to 76 78 to 128 130 to 144 146 to 149 151 to 155 157 to 176 178 to 192 194 to 404 406 to 499 port trunk allow-pass vlan 501 to 503 505 to 519 522 to 549 551 to 552 556 to 582 584 to 813 815 to 849 851 to 3511 3513 to 4094 mode lacp jumboframe enable 12288 # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/1 port link-type trunk qinq vlan-translation enable undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 237 258 port vlan-mapping vlan 236 map-vlan 237 port vlan-mapping vlan 150 map-vlan 258 loopback-detect enable stp disable port-isolate enable group 1 jumboframe enable 12288 # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/2 port link-type trunk undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 3 to 254 256 to 399 401 406 to 813 815 to 4094 loopback-detect enable # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/3 eth-trunk 6 # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/4 eth-trunk 6 # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/5 eth-trunk 5 # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/6 eth-trunk 5 # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/7 port link-type trunk undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 37 2004 stp disable # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/8 eth-trunk 2 # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/9 port link-type trunk undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 3 to 149 151 to 254 256 to 399 401 406 to 4093 # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/10 port link-type trunk undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 3 to 254 256 to 399 401 406 to 813 815 to 4094 loopback-detect enable # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/11 port link-type trunk undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 9 37 75 to 78 107 109 128 142 151 to 153 155 to 156 163 port trunk allow-pass vlan 167 170 172 174 to 175 179 181 183 189 197 215 port trunk allow-pass vlan 220 223 230 241 255 to 256 362 414 450 498 500 port trunk allow-pass vlan 503 520 550 to 551 555 576 to 577 595 602 615 to 619 631 704 port trunk allow-pass vlan 719 1000 2000 2032 3113 3118 to 3119 3121 3512 to 3516 loopback-detect enable stp disable # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/12 port link-type trunk port trunk allow-pass vlan 34 75 77 to 79 134 500 to 502 704 2002 loopback-detect enable stp disable # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/13 port link-type trunk undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 99 to 100 103 to 104 146 252 to 253 400 to 401 500 1008 loopback-detect enable stp disable # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/14 port link-type trunk undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 3 to 149 151 to 254 256 to 399 401 406 to 813 815 to 4094 loopback-detect enable stp disable jumboframe enable 12288 # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/15 shutdown port link-type hybrid qinq vlan-translation enable undo port hybrid vlan 1 port hybrid tagged vlan 2 8 to 9 99 to 100 103 164 252 to 253 500 2016 port hybrid untagged vlan 504 port vlan-stacking vlan 3552 to 3579 stack-vlan 504 loopback-detect enable stp disable jumboframe enable 12288 # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/16 eth-trunk 2 # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/17 eth-trunk 2 # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/18 port link-type trunk undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 188 190 503 595 631 704 2000 loopback-detect enable stp disable # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/19 port link-type trunk undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 32 76 to 77 104 121 128 163 175 180 182 227 port trunk allow-pass vlan 498 503 521 523 525 551 554 556 595 619 port trunk allow-pass vlan 631 701 2000 loopback-detect enable stp disable # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/20 port link-type trunk undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 2 38 501 stp disable # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/21 eth-trunk 2 # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/22 port link-type trunk undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 2 to 149 151 to 254 256 to 399 401 406 to 813 815 to 4094 loopback-detect enable stp disable # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/23 eth-trunk 6 # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/24 eth-trunk 6 # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/45 eth-trunk 3 # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/46 eth-trunk 3 # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/47 eth-trunk 3 # interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/48 eth-trunk 3 # interface 40GE0/0/1 port link-type trunk undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 38 150 236 497 499 to 504 520 to 530 550 to 556 575 to 585 595 to 596 1653 stp disable port-isolate enable group 1 # interface 40GE0/0/5 port link-type access port default vlan 405 stp disable # interface 40GE0/0/6 port link-type trunk undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1 port trunk allow-pass vlan 499 510 stp disable # interface NULL0 # interface LoopBack1 ip address # bgp 111 peer as-number 111 peer connect-interface LoopBack1 peer as-number 111 peer connect-interface LoopBack1 peer as-number 111 peer connect-interface LoopBack1 peer as-number 111 peer connect-interface LoopBack1 peer as-number 111 peer connect-interface LoopBack1 peer as-number 111 peer connect-interface LoopBack1 peer as-number 111 peer connect-interface LoopBack1 peer as-number 111 peer connect-interface LoopBack1 # ipv4-family unicast undo synchronization peer enable peer enable peer enable peer enable peer enable peer enable peer enable peer enable # l2vpn-ad-family policy vpn-target peer enable peer enable peer enable peer enable peer enable peer enable peer enable peer enable # ospf 1 area network network network network # return Проблема начинается после того как новый VSI переходит в статус UP, именно когда пытаюсь добавить конкретный vlan (595) в VSI/ При этом история с флапом мак-адресов после создания нового VSI начинается во всех старых VSI, но при этом связность не теряется. То как добавляется новый VSI: interface Eth-Trunk2 undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 595 //удаляю с STP интерфейсов q interface Eth-Trunk6 undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 595 //удаляю с STP интерфейсов q interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/9 undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 595 //удаляю с STP интерфейсов q vsi vlan595 bgp-ad vpls-id 595:1 vpn-target 51341:1 import-extcommunity vpn-target 51341:1 export-extcommunity mtu 4096 q interface Vlanif595 l2 binding vsi vlan595 q Но и соответственно как только удаляю данный VSI, все возвращается в норму. Если переношу другой влан в VSI, то таких проблем нет. STP в момент перевода влан в VSI разорвано. PS VPLS для себя открыл относительно не давно, поэтому приму любую помощь и советы как это сделать лучше и правильнее. Вставить ник Quote Ответить с цитированием Share this post Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...