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Конфигурация BDCOM GP3600-16

Всем привет, поделитесь пожалуйста рабочим конфигом BDCOM GP3600-16. Заранее благодарю за оказанную помошь.  

Edited by geopak

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!version 10.3.0D build 60551
service timestamps log date
service timestamps debug date
logging 172.16.******
logging buffered 9999
logging trap debugging
error-disable-recovery 300
hostname *****
dos enable icmp
dos enable ip
dos enable resvdipmc
dos enable ipv4firstfrag
dos enable l4port
dos enable mac
dos enable tcpflags
dos enable tcpfrag
dos enable tcpsmurf
dos enable icmpsmurf
port-protected 1
port-protected 2
port-protected 3
port-protected 4
port-protected 5
port-protected 6
port-protected 7
port-protected 8
port-protected 9
port-protected 10
port-protected 11
port-protected 12
port-protected 13
port-protected 14
port-protected 15
port-protected 16
spanning-tree mode rstp
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication enable default none
aaa authorization exec default local
username admin password 0 ********
gpon profile onu-tcont tcont-default id 1
 gpon-profile tcont-type 3 pir 9984 cir 9728
gpon profile onu-tcont inter id 2
 gpon-profile tcont-type 3 pir 1024000 cir 512
gpon profile onu-tcont video id 3
 gpon-profile tcont-type 2 cir 4032
gpon profile onu-rate-limit ratelimit-default id 1
 gpon-profile pir 1244160 cir 1244160
gpon profile onu-virtual-port virtual-port-default id 1
 gpon-profile encryption disable
 gpon-profile upstream queue 8
 gpon-profile upstream rate-limit-profile ratelimit-default
 gpon-profile downstream queue 8
gpon profile onu-tcont-virtual-port-bind tvbind-default id 1
 gpon-profile virtual-port 1 profile virtual-port-default tcont 1 profile tcont-default
gpon profile onu-tcont-virtual-port-bind video id 2
 gpon-profile virtual-port 2 profile virtual-port-default tcont 3 profile video
 gpon-profile virtual-port 1 profile virtual-port-default tcont 2 profile inter
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping flow-mapping-default id 1
 gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni all
 gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping GPON_RealIP id 2
 gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 2999
 gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 vlan 2500
 gpon-profile entry 2 virtual-port 2
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping GPON_0/1 id 3
 gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 2251
 gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 vlan 2500
 gpon-profile entry 2 virtual-port 2
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping GPON_0/2 id 4
 gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 2252
 gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 vlan 2500
 gpon-profile entry 2 virtual-port 2
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping GPON_0/3 id 5
 gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 2253
 gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 vlan 2500
 gpon-profile entry 2 virtual-port 2
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping GPON_0/4 id 6
 gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 2254
 gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 vlan 2500
 gpon-profile entry 2 virtual-port 2
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping GPON_0/5 id 7
 gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 2255
 gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 vlan 2500
 gpon-profile entry 2 virtual-port 2
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping GPON_0/6 id 8
 gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 2256
 gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 vlan 2500
 gpon-profile entry 2 virtual-port 2
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping GPON_0/7 id 9
 gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 2257
 gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 vlan 2500
 gpon-profile entry 2 virtual-port 2
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping GPON_0/8 id 10
 gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 2258
 gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 vlan 2500
 gpon-profile entry 2 virtual-port 2
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping GPON_0/9 id 11
 gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 2259
 gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 vlan 2500
 gpon-profile entry 2 virtual-port 2
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping GPON_0/10 id 12
 gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 2260
 gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 vlan 2500
 gpon-profile entry 2 virtual-port 2
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping GPON_0/11 id 13
 gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 2261
 gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 vlan 2500
 gpon-profile entry 2 virtual-port 2
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping GPON_0/12 id 14
 gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 2262
 gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 vlan 2500
 gpon-profile entry 2 virtual-port 2
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping GPON_0/13 id 15
 gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 2263
 gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 vlan 2500
 gpon-profile entry 2 virtual-port 2
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping GPON_0/14 id 16
 gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 2264
 gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 vlan 2500
 gpon-profile entry 2 virtual-port 2
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping GPON_0/15 id 17
 gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 2265
 gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 vlan 2500
 gpon-profile entry 2 virtual-port 2
gpon profile onu-flow-mapping GPON_0/16 id 18
 gpon-profile entry 1 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 1 vlan 2266
 gpon-profile entry 1 virtual-port 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 uni type eth-uni 1
 gpon-profile entry 2 vlan 2500
 gpon-profile entry 2 virtual-port 2
gpon profile onu-vlan GPON_RealIP id 3
 gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
 gpon-profile vlan pvid 2999 0
gpon profile onu-vlan GPON_0/1 id 4
 gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
 gpon-profile vlan pvid 2251 0
gpon profile onu-vlan GPON_0/2 id 5
 gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
 gpon-profile vlan pvid 2252 0
gpon profile onu-vlan GPON_0/3 id 6
 gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
 gpon-profile vlan pvid 2253 0
gpon profile onu-vlan GPON_0/4 id 7
 gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
 gpon-profile vlan pvid 2254 0
gpon profile onu-vlan GPON_0/5 id 8
 gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
 gpon-profile vlan pvid 2255 0
gpon profile onu-vlan GPON_0/6 id 9
 gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
 gpon-profile vlan pvid 2256 0
gpon profile onu-vlan GPON_0/7 id 10
 gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
 gpon-profile vlan pvid 2257 0
gpon profile onu-vlan GPON_0/8 id 11
 gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
 gpon-profile vlan pvid 2258 0
gpon profile onu-vlan GPON_0/9 id 12
 gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
 gpon-profile vlan pvid 2259 0
gpon profile onu-vlan GPON_0/10 id 13
 gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
 gpon-profile vlan pvid 2260 0
gpon profile onu-vlan GPON_0/11 id 14
 gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
 gpon-profile vlan pvid 2261 0
gpon profile onu-vlan GPON_0/12 id 15
 gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
 gpon-profile vlan pvid 2262 0
gpon profile onu-vlan GPON_0/13 id 16
 gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
 gpon-profile vlan pvid 2263 0
gpon profile onu-vlan GPON_0/14 id 17
 gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
 gpon-profile vlan pvid 2264 0
gpon profile onu-vlan GPON_0/15 id 18
 gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
 gpon-profile vlan pvid 2265 0
gpon profile onu-vlan GPON_0/16 id 19
 gpon-profile vlan mode trunk
 gpon-profile vlan pvid 2266 0
gpon onutype-template onutype-default-hgu
 gpon-onutype match ctc-onu-type HGU
 gpon-onutype config tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile tvbind-default
 gpon-onutype config flow-mapping-profile GPON_RealIP
gpon onutype-template onutype-default
 gpon-onutype config tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile tvbind-default
 gpon-onutype config flow-mapping-profile flow-mapping-default
gpon onu-config-template GPON_0/1
 cmd-sequence 001 gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile GPON_0/1
 cmd-sequence 002 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile video
 cmd-sequence 003 gpon onu flow-mapping-profile GPON_0/1
 cmd-sequence 004 gpon onu loopback-detect protocol private
 cmd-sequence 005 gpon onu uni 1 loopback-detect enable
gpon onu-config-template GPON_0/2
 cmd-sequence 001 gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile GPON_0/2
 cmd-sequence 002 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile video
 cmd-sequence 003 gpon onu flow-mapping-profile GPON_0/2
 cmd-sequence 004 gpon onu loopback-detect protocol private
 cmd-sequence 005 gpon onu uni 1 loopback-detect enable
gpon onu-config-template GPON_0/3
 cmd-sequence 001 gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile GPON_0/3
 cmd-sequence 002 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile video
 cmd-sequence 003 gpon onu flow-mapping-profile GPON_0/3
 cmd-sequence 004 gpon onu loopback-detect protocol private
 cmd-sequence 005 gpon onu uni 1 loopback-detect enable
gpon onu-config-template GPON_0/4
 cmd-sequence 001 gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile GPON_0/4
 cmd-sequence 002 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile video
 cmd-sequence 003 gpon onu flow-mapping-profile GPON_0/4
 cmd-sequence 004 gpon onu loopback-detect protocol private
 cmd-sequence 005 gpon onu uni 1 loopback-detect enable
gpon onu-config-template GPON_0/5
 cmd-sequence 001 gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile GPON_0/5
 cmd-sequence 002 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile video
 cmd-sequence 003 gpon onu flow-mapping-profile GPON_0/5
 cmd-sequence 004 gpon onu loopback-detect protocol private
 cmd-sequence 005 gpon onu uni 1 loopback-detect enable
gpon onu-config-template GPON_0/6
 cmd-sequence 001 gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile GPON_0/6
 cmd-sequence 002 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile video
 cmd-sequence 003 gpon onu flow-mapping-profile GPON_0/6
 cmd-sequence 004 gpon onu loopback-detect protocol private
 cmd-sequence 005 gpon onu uni 1 loopback-detect enable
gpon onu-config-template GPON_0/7
 cmd-sequence 001 gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile GPON_0/7
 cmd-sequence 002 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile video
 cmd-sequence 003 gpon onu flow-mapping-profile GPON_0/7
 cmd-sequence 004 gpon onu loopback-detect protocol private
 cmd-sequence 005 gpon onu uni 1 loopback-detect enable
gpon onu-config-template GPON_0/8
 cmd-sequence 001 gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile GPON_0/8
 cmd-sequence 002 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile video
 cmd-sequence 003 gpon onu flow-mapping-profile GPON_0/8
 cmd-sequence 004 gpon onu loopback-detect protocol private
 cmd-sequence 005 gpon onu uni 1 loopback-detect enable
gpon onu-config-template GPON_0/9
 cmd-sequence 001 gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile GPON_0/9
 cmd-sequence 002 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile video
 cmd-sequence 003 gpon onu flow-mapping-profile GPON_0/9
 cmd-sequence 004 gpon onu loopback-detect protocol private
 cmd-sequence 005 gpon onu uni 1 loopback-detect enable
gpon onu-config-template GPON_0/10
 cmd-sequence 001 gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile GPON_0/10
 cmd-sequence 002 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile video
 cmd-sequence 003 gpon onu flow-mapping-profile GPON_0/10
 cmd-sequence 004 gpon onu loopback-detect protocol private
 cmd-sequence 005 gpon onu uni 1 loopback-detect enable
gpon onu-config-template GPON_0/11
 cmd-sequence 001 gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile GPON_0/11
 cmd-sequence 002 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile video
 cmd-sequence 003 gpon onu flow-mapping-profile GPON_0/11
 cmd-sequence 004 gpon onu loopback-detect protocol private
 cmd-sequence 005 gpon onu uni 1 loopback-detect enable
gpon onu-config-template GPON_0/12
 cmd-sequence 001 gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile GPON_0/12
 cmd-sequence 002 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile video
 cmd-sequence 003 gpon onu flow-mapping-profile GPON_0/12
 cmd-sequence 004 gpon onu loopback-detect protocol private
 cmd-sequence 005 gpon onu uni 1 loopback-detect enable
gpon onu-config-template GPON_0/13
 cmd-sequence 001 gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile GPON_0/13
 cmd-sequence 002 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile video
 cmd-sequence 003 gpon onu flow-mapping-profile GPON_0/13
 cmd-sequence 004 gpon onu loopback-detect protocol private
 cmd-sequence 005 gpon onu uni 1 loopback-detect enable
gpon onu-config-template GPON_0/14
 cmd-sequence 001 gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile GPON_0/14
 cmd-sequence 002 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile video
 cmd-sequence 003 gpon onu flow-mapping-profile GPON_0/14
 cmd-sequence 004 gpon onu loopback-detect protocol private
 cmd-sequence 005 gpon onu uni 1 loopback-detect enable
gpon onu-config-template GPON_0/15
 cmd-sequence 001 gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile GPON_0/15
 cmd-sequence 002 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile video
 cmd-sequence 003 gpon onu flow-mapping-profile GPON_0/15
 cmd-sequence 004 gpon onu loopback-detect protocol private
 cmd-sequence 005 gpon onu uni 1 loopback-detect enable
gpon onu-config-template GPON_0/16
 cmd-sequence 001 gpon onu uni 1 vlan-profile GPON_0/16
 cmd-sequence 002 gpon onu tcont-virtual-port-bind-profile video
 cmd-sequence 003 gpon onu flow-mapping-profile GPON_0/16
 cmd-sequence 004 gpon onu loopback-detect protocol private
 cmd-sequence 005 gpon onu uni 1 loopback-detect enable
interface Port-aggregator1
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 22,2250-2266,2999
 switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface Null0
interface GigaEthernet0/0
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
!!slot 0 1 GP3600-16 mother card
interface GigaEthernet0/1
 description aggregation-uplink-manage
 aggregator-group 1 mode lacp passive
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 22,2250-2266,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface GigaEthernet0/2
 description aggregation-uplink-manage
 aggregator-group 1 mode lacp passive
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 22,2250-2266,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface GigaEthernet0/3
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2250-2266,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface GigaEthernet0/4
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2250-2266,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface GigaEthernet0/5
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2250-2266,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface GigaEthernet0/6
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2250-2266,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface GigaEthernet0/7
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2250-2266,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface GigaEthernet0/8
 description CATV
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 22,2500
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface TGigaEthernet0/1
 switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface TGigaEthernet0/2
 switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface TGigaEthernet0/3
 switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface TGigaEthernet0/4
 switchport mode dot1q-tunnel-uplink
interface GPON0/1
 gpon pre-config-template GPON_0/1 bind-onuid 1-125
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2251,2500,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport protected 1
interface GPON0/2
 gpon pre-config-template GPON_0/2 bind-onuid 1-125
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2252,2500,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport protected 2
interface GPON0/3
 gpon pre-config-template GPON_0/3 bind-onuid 1-125
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2253,2500,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport protected 3
interface GPON0/4
 gpon pre-config-template GPON_0/4 bind-onuid 1-125
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
 gpon bind-onu sn 4244434D622F0DF9 1
 gpon bind-onu sn 4244434D622F0E35 2
 gpon bind-onu sn 4244434D622F1136 3
 gpon bind-onu sn 48445647290E1DD8 4
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2254,2500,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport protected 4
interface GPON0/4:1
 description Shadow
interface GPON0/4:2
 description BOBA_JIOX
interface GPON0/4:3
interface GPON0/4:4
interface GPON0/5
 gpon pre-config-template GPON_0/5 bind-onuid 1-125
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2255,2500,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport protected 5
interface GPON0/6
 gpon pre-config-template GPON_0/6 bind-onuid 1-125
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2256,2500,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport protected 6
interface GPON0/7
 gpon pre-config-template GPON_0/7 bind-onuid 1-125
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2257,2500,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport protected 7
interface GPON0/8
 gpon pre-config-template GPON_0/8 bind-onuid 1-125
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2258,2500,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport protected 8
interface GPON0/9
 gpon pre-config-template GPON_0/9 bind-onuid 1-125
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2259,2500,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport protected 9
interface GPON0/10
 gpon pre-config-template GPON_0/10 bind-onuid 1-125
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2260,2500,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport protected 10
interface GPON0/11
 gpon pre-config-template GPON_0/11 bind-onuid 1-125
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2261,2500,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport protected 11
interface GPON0/12
 gpon pre-config-template GPON_0/12 bind-onuid 1-125
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2262,2500,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport protected 12
interface GPON0/13
 gpon pre-config-template GPON_0/13 bind-onuid 1-125
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2263,2500,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport protected 13
interface GPON0/14
 gpon pre-config-template GPON_0/14 bind-onuid 1-125
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2264,2500,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport protected 14
interface GPON0/15
 gpon pre-config-template GPON_0/15 bind-onuid 1-125
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2265,2500,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport protected 15
interface GPON0/16
 gpon pre-config-template GPON_0/16 bind-onuid 1-125
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default-hgu precedence 127
 gpon bind-onutype onutype-default precedence 128
 switchport trunk vlan-allowed 2266,2500,2999
 switchport trunk vlan-untagged 1
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport protected 16
!!slot end
interface VLAN22
 ip address 172.16.*******
 no ip directed-broadcast
filter enable
vlan 22
 name Manage
vlan 1,22,2250-2266,2500,2999
ip exf
ipv6 exf
ip http language english
ip http server
!Pending configurations for absent linecards:
!No configurations pending global


Edited by trsnah

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On 3/15/2019 at 1:40 PM, trsnah said:

Это мой со стенда, сейчас тестируем.

На ОЛТ приходят вланы тегом.

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Скажите пожалуйста, а для чего у вас используется Vlan 2500 и 2999 на каждом интерфейсе.


Есть ли какие-нибудь нюансы подключения Онушек типа GP1704-4F-E,

Edited by AVT

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Добрый день. Дабы не плодить темы подскажите, есть BDCOM GP3600-08. Ранее с этими BDCOM не работал. Необходима помощь в первичной настройке абонента. Подскажите пример настройки. Не могу найти подходящий мануал.

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