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Cisco log Странные записи в логе


Господа, есть боевая as5400xm занятая голосом, периодами вижу в её логах странные сообщения:


Dec 8 22:03:05: %ENVM-1-VOLT_WARNING: Environmental monitor detects voltage out-of-range warning. Voltage name: CPU Core 1.2V, Nominal: 1200 Voltage sensor reading: 1065

Dec 9 22:18:06: %ENVM-3-VOLT_NORMAL: System sensor Voltage name: CPU Core 1.2V, is now operating under NORMAL voltage at 1088 mV.

Dec 10 02:58:06: %ENVM-1-VOLT_WARNING: Environmental monitor detects voltage out-of-range warning. Voltage name: CPU Core 1.2V, Nominal: 1200 Voltage sensor reading: 1065

Dec 10 22:02:07: %ENVM-3-VOLT_NORMAL: System sensor Voltage name: CPU Core 1.2V, is now operating under NORMAL voltage at 1088 mV.

Dec 18 19:46:12: %ENVM-1-VOLT_WARNING: Environmental monitor detects voltage out-of-range warning. Voltage name: CPU Core 1.2V, Nominal: 1200 Voltage sensor reading: 1065

Dec 19 02:06:12: %ENVM-3-VOLT_NORMAL: System sensor Voltage name: CPU Core 1.2V, is now operating under NORMAL voltage at 1088 mV.


sh env:




Temperature Reading:

Temp at inlet is measured as 24C/75F.

Temp at outlet is measured as 33C/91F.

Temp delta of inlet and outlet is measured as 9C/48F.

Temperature State:

Temperature is in normal state.



Voltage Reading:

MAX6656-1 Internal 3.3 Volt is measured as 3243.

Motherbd 5V is measured as 5171.

CPU Core 1.2V is measured as 874.

Memory 2.5V is measured as 2476.

MAX6656-2 Internal 3.3 Volt is measured as 3259.

PHY 2.5V is measured as 2544.

HT, Crush FPGA 1.8V is measured as 1810.

PLD 1.5V is measured as 1419.

Voltage State:

Voltage is in 0 state.


Power Supply:

Redundant Power System is present.

PS Input Voltage status: normal

PS Output Voltage status: normal

PS Fan status: normal

PS Thermal status: normal

PS OverVoltage status: normal

Environmental monitor experienced the following events:

Power system: "multiple fail" at 09:23:42 MSK Thu Nov 5 2015.

Power system: "normal" at 09:27:42 MSK Thu Nov 5 2015.

Power system: "multiple fail" at 12:01:47 MSK Fri Nov 13 2015.

Power system: "normal" at 12:05:47 MSK Fri Nov 13 2015.

Power system: "multiple fail" at 09:02:57 MSK Fri Nov 27 2015.

Power system: "normal" at 09:06:57 MSK Fri Nov 27 2015.

Power system: "multiple fail" at 11:05:59 MSK Mon Nov 30 2015.

Power system: "normal" at 11:07:59 MSK Mon Nov 30 2015.

Power system: "multiple fail" at 11:43:05 MSK Tue Dec 8 2015.

Power system: "normal" at 11:46:05 MSK Tue Dec 8 2015.




Сидит на: c5400-js-mz.124-22.T.bin

Board Revision A0


Её сестра близнец тогоже возраста с платой B0, но прошивкой c5400-js-mz.124-21a.bin ничего такого не пишет.


Мне стоит готовиться к чему-то или забить пока работает?

Edited by MESB

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