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О DeniZka

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  1. Ни того ни другого участника не нашел с точным совпадением никнейма, второго 3 варианта, отправил всем 3-м, а первого даже подсказок не появляется.
  2. Приветствую всех. У кого имеется российская федералка в UA-IX? Может кто-либо предоставить 20 каналов? Если у кого есть возможность, пишите в личку, договоримся.
  3. Это реальный опыт или чисто гипотетически?
  4. Не совсем понял, что за калькуляция, в общем вопрос стоит об отдаче 2 гигабит живого видео(примерно 5000 клиентов по 400 килобит). Раздача живого видео, думаю файловая подсистема тут особо не играет роли.
  5. Стримить вовзой или фмс по rtmp, где в данном конфиге "узкое место"?
  6. Всем привет! Помогите определиться с конфигурацией сервера под live stream. На данный момент рассматривается i7-2600k ASUS P8H61-M EVO 16GB оперативной сетевая карта Supermicro AOC-PG-i2+(Intel® 82576EB dual-port Gigabit Ethernet controller) Вопрос, потянет ли данный конфиг исходящий трафик 2Gbps? Или может взять какую-то другую сеть? Бортовую сеть использовать не советуют, т.к. она создает дополнительную нагрузку на процессор. Подскажите, пожалуйста.
  7. Люди добрые, помогите, пожалуйста. Не получается установить гетстрим а84, убунту 9.10 user@user-coder1:~/a84$ ./configure Using compiler: g++ Using compile type debug Processor capabilities: native ( mmx sse sse2 ) Trying various FFdecsa optimizations... PARALLEL_32_INT: test failed PARALLEL_64_2INT: test failed PARALLEL_64_LONG: 114 PARALLEL_64_MMX: 317 PARALLEL_128_2LONG: 140 PARALLEL_128_2MMX: 292 PARALLEL_128_SSE: 356 PARALLEL_128_SSE2: 325 Choosing PARALLEL_MODE = PARALLEL_128_SSE user@user-coder1:~/a84$ make abort: There is no Mercurial repository here (.hg not found)! g++: getstream.o getstream.c:22:19: error: event.h: No such file or directory In file included from getstream.c:24: getstream.h:16:24: error: glib/glist.h: No such file or directory In file included from output.h:5, from sap.h:5, from getstream.h:24, from getstream.c:24: libhttp.h:11:24: error: glib/ghash.h: No such file or directory In file included from output.h:5, from sap.h:5, from getstream.h:24, from getstream.c:24: libhttp.h:65: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type libhttp.h:65: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token libhttp.h:82: error: field ‘ev’ has incomplete type libhttp.h:85: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type libhttp.h:85: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token libhttp.h:86: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GHashTable’ with no type libhttp.h:86: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token In file included from sap.h:5, from getstream.h:24, from getstream.c:24: output.h:123: error: field ‘rtcpevent’ has incomplete type output.h:127: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type output.h:127: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token output.h:135: error: field ‘event’ has incomplete type In file included from getstream.h:24, from getstream.c:24: sap.h:33: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type sap.h:33: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token sap.h:34: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type sap.h:34: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token sap.h:35: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type sap.h:35: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token sap.h:41: error: field ‘event’ has incomplete type In file included from pat.h:10, from getstream.h:30, from getstream.c:24: pmt.h:33: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type pmt.h:33: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token pmt.h:34: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type pmt.h:34: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token pmt.h:35: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type pmt.h:35: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token In file included from getstream.h:30, from getstream.c:24: pat.h:14: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type pat.h:14: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token In file included from getstream.c:24: getstream.h:113: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type getstream.h:113: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token getstream.h:134: error: field ‘ev’ has incomplete type getstream.h:253: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type getstream.h:253: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token getstream.h:255: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type getstream.h:255: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token getstream.h:259: error: field ‘patevent’ has incomplete type getstream.h:328: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type getstream.h:328: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token getstream.h:329: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type getstream.h:329: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token getstream.h:342: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type getstream.h:342: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token getstream.h:347: error: field ‘timer’ has incomplete type getstream.h:348: error: field ‘event’ has incomplete type getstream.h:387: error: field ‘dvrevent’ has incomplete type getstream.h:389: error: field ‘stucktimer’ has incomplete type getstream.h:394: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type getstream.h:394: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token getstream.h:409: error: field ‘event’ has incomplete type getstream.h:414: error: field ‘dmxevent’ has incomplete type getstream.h:441: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type getstream.h:441: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token getstream.h:457: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type getstream.h:457: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token In file included from getstream.c:25: config.h:9: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type config.h:9: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token config.h:10: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘GList’ with no type config.h:10: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token getstream.c: In function ‘void init_guard_evtimer()’: getstream.c:63: error: aggregate ‘event gevent’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined getstream.c:69: error: ‘evtimer_set’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:70: error: ‘evtimer_add’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c: In function ‘void terminate_init(int)’: getstream.c:94: error: aggregate ‘event event’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined getstream.c:100: error: ‘evtimer_set’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:101: error: ‘evtimer_add’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c: In function ‘void stop_all()’: getstream.c:118: error: ‘GList’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:118: error: ‘nl’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:118: error: ‘struct config_s’ has no member named ‘cam’ getstream.c:118: error: ‘g_list_first’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:122: error: ‘g_list_next’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:125: error: ‘sl’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:126: error: ‘al’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:126: error: ‘struct config_s’ has no member named ‘adapter’ getstream.c:129: error: ‘struct adapter_s’ has no member named ‘streams’ getstream.c:132: error: ‘g_list_next’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:134: error: ‘g_list_next’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:138: error: ‘struct net_s’ has no member named ‘streams’ getstream.c:141: error: ‘g_list_next’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’: getstream.c:201: error: ‘GList’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:201: error: ‘al’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:222: error: expected primary-expression before ‘)’ token getstream.c:266: error: ‘event_init’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:280: error: ‘nl’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:281: error: ‘struct config_s’ has no member named ‘cam’ getstream.c:281: error: ‘g_list_first’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:286: error: ‘g_list_next’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:289: error: ‘sl’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:290: error: ‘struct config_s’ has no member named ‘adapter’ getstream.c:293: error: ‘struct adapter_s’ has no member named ‘streams’ getstream.c:305: error: ‘g_list_next’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:307: error: ‘g_list_next’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:312: error: ‘struct net_s’ has no member named ‘streams’ getstream.c:316: error: ‘g_list_next’ was not declared in this scope getstream.c:325: error: ‘event_dispatch’ was not declared in this scope make: *** [getstream.o] Ошибка 1
  8. Он установит версию которая есть в репах. Но если вы не можете установить зависимости для getstream, пусть это сделает менеджер пакетов. Потом установите ручками нужный вам getstream. Гетстрим установлен уже, но похоже старая версия, т.к. дополнительно еще саска работает. Можно как то из терминального режима проверить версию гетстрима?
  9. А вы не пробовали установить через apt-get или синаптик? sudo apt-get install getstream Так? А он правильную версию возьмет? Как проверить какая версия установилась?
  10. Кто-нибудь станавливал 84 getstream на ubuntu 9.10? Начинаю устанавливать libevent, пишет вот что: user@coder1:~$ cd libevent user@coder1:~/libevent$ ./configure -bash: ./configure: Permission denied user@coder1:~/libevent$ sudo ./configure sudo: ./configure: command not found user@coder1:~/libevent$ su ./configure Неизвестный id: ./configure
  11. Ася 6четыре8 - 403- ноль38Почта t405 чаучау rambler.ru
  12. Привет всем! Есть кодеры, на которых запускалась саска и гетстрим с влц через терминалку, т.е. стоял отдельный комп, на котором крутилось все. потом комп вылетел, и есть острая необходимость настроить, чтобы все работало самостоятельно, т.е. с автозапуском и тд. Сам я к сожалению в скриптах не силен, поэтому прошу помочь знающих людей, в долгу не останусь. Вот как запускалось в терминалке: Запуск саски sudo modprobe dvbloopback num_adapters=3 cd /usr/local/src/sc/contrib/sasc-ng/ sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/src/sc/contrib/sasc-ng/sc/PLUGINS/lib/ ./sasc-ng -j 0:3 -j 1:4 --cam-budget --sid-nocache -d 0xf0a --cam-dir /etc/camfile Права sudo chmod -R 777 /dev/dvb гетстрим getstream -c /home/kaban/3adapter -d getstream -c /home/kaban/4adapter -d потом идет запуск влц в демонах и соответственно пары перезапуска: kill $(ps aux | grep vlc | grep 8060| awk '{print $2}') cvlc --daemon --loop --ttl 12 --ts-es-id-pid --sout-transcode-high-priority --sout '#duplic...............dst=}"' Помогите, пожалуйста. Необходимо, чтобы при загрузки системы, само все запускалось, и влц рестартились по таймеру(для начала через 2 часа).